Monday, November 21, 2005

Calm Conferences

So I had 9 families show up today, one called to cancel, and one was a no-show.

Only 17 more to go!

It's weird though-I never really thought of parent-teacher conferences as being good for moral but I felt REALLY good after I left today. A few parents commented about how happy they were that I am their childs' teacher and how impressed they are with me as a teacher. It's so nice to get compliments when you feel like you're working your tail off every single day and go home completely exhuasted.

On a much more strange note-did everyone hear about the guy who shot up the mall in Tacoma? He shot six people and took some hostages for a few hours. Thankfully no one died. One of the teachers at my school was at the mall yesterday and she said it was very scary. She said she was surprised how quiet everyone was-after the gunshots no one screamed really. I guess adrenaline kicked in and that made everyone calm. I'm just glad she's okay!


Blogger m said...

That's awesome that your conferences go so well. I LOVE going to them for my daughter because I get to hear all about what's going on in her life.

Freaky about your friend. I can't imagine being there when that happened!

10:25 PM


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