Sunday, November 06, 2005

I feel like I have to explain myself for my long absence/spottiness in posting. So first our Airport (internet dealybob) went out for the Mac laptop (where I primarily, no, solely do my computer stuff) and we took that in to the Apple store. Luckily, we did buy the three year Apple Care so it's covered. That's being ordered for us. Then, our hard drive went wacky and decided to malfunction. Seriously!? I am DYING without it. I hadn't really realized HOW in love I was with the laptop. See, here's how my typical weekday goes:
Get up
Go to work
Come home
Walk the dog
Cook dinner
Eat dinner
Sit on couch and blog/read blogs/email/etc.

That's all! It's all I do! I know it's boring but I'm relatively happy with how things are. And my life has been temporarily interrupted-grrrr. We had to leave the laptop at the Apple store and it will be available for pickup in five to seven days. Days!

We just got home from the movie "Jarhead." Very interesting depiction of marine life during Desert Storm. The Husband and I both enjoyed it-but be forewarned: lots of cussing and LOTS of butts! Of the male variety of course.

Nothing new really going on but I am excited for a couple of reasons. First, one of my best good friends, Kate, just moved back to the states from Korea (she's in the military) and I get to see her next weekend! I haven't seen her for over two years but she is now stationed here in Washington so hopefully I will be seeing more of her.
I'm also excited because I am only teaching for three days this week! Tomorrow I am going to a math workshop with my principal and Friday we have off for Veteran's Day. I will most likely be spending the day working on report cards since they are due in two weeks but I can sleep in!

On less exciting news-my Grandpa is in the hospital. Obviously not the same Grandfather that died in September, this time it is my Mom's dad. Long story short, they don't know what is wrong.

The Husband just said the other day, "I think you owe people more than a list, like a few paragraphs." I pretty much told him where to shove it and said it was my blog to write what I felt like on but here I am appeasing him. I love you babe.


Blogger Lisa said...

YAY for apple computers!! but ohshit if they break. *knocking on wood... I have never had that happen to MINE... Sorry your baby is broke!!

So... Where are you guys going this weekend ;-)

5:30 AM

Blogger e said...

I hope all is well with your grandpa. :)

9:19 AM

Blogger m said...

I'm having computer trouble as well. Ick.

I hope your grandpa is doing okay.

11:15 AM


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