Thursday, May 04, 2006

A Good Day

Can you believe it? A good day!? I went to the doctor on Wednesday and haven't had a headache since. I haven't written about them all that much on here but I've been having awful (but not migraine) headaches for weeks now. EVERY day for weeks. The doctor still isn't sure what's causing them but she did some blood tests and gave me a prescription for some meds to try if the pain does come back.
The other reason my day was good involved the sun shining! My yoga/pilates class took place outside in the sun and it was splendid. There's not much more relaxing than doing a tree pose while watching the breeze blow through some real trees.
My kids were great today too-let's hope they keep that up. They had a new seating arrangement today which always looses its novelty but I'll enjoy it while I've got it.
I stayed after school today with my grade-level partner and we helped each other set up our new science unit-Plants. It feels good to have something new to do with the kids tomorrow. They CAN'T WAIT to do science. With the school/district/world focus on Reading, science has definitely been put to the side, sadly. At least we're doing it now.
And the Husband's middle-school track team he coaches won their first district meet today. Yeah!
That's all now, The Office is on so I'm off!


Blogger e said...

I'm glad your headaches have stopped. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!

8:47 AM


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