Friday, September 08, 2006


I was inspired to post this after reading about E's post about her first few weeks of student teaching.

I have a job that allows me to organize my work space how I want (to an extent).
I have a job that gives me 2 months off in the summer. With the Husband.
I have a job that gives me 3 more weeks off throughout the year. With the Husband.
I have a job that changes lives.
I have a job at which I laugh at least a few times a day.
I have a job that is important.
I have a job where all of my collegues understand why I look like I'm going to pass out by 3:10 on Friday.
I have a job where I get notes that say, "I like you so much I want to hug you." And it's not creepy.


Blogger e said...

It's so funny, because I'm already feeling it too. That I make a difference, that I'm having fun, that Friday nights are no longer available. I finally feel like I'm part of the club, and there is no other club like it!

5:02 PM


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