Sunday, October 08, 2006

Once again I can post but I can't see my blog or anyone else's blogs. Damn things. The weekend is almost over (considering it's 7:40 on Sunday night, it's pretty much finite-o) and I'm feeling down. Perhaps it's because I've got a sore throat and I know I can't just call in sick tomorrow. Maybe it's because my Grandpa was diagnoised with Parkinson's recently and I just found out tonight. Or maybe it's because I'm missing my family. Perhaps it's all of those things and more. I think I'll go crawl into bed and read.


Blogger Lisa said...

I felt the exact same way last night... SO exhausted. I am working 9 days in a row, and I NEED A BREAK!!!

Hope you feel better, and I'm sorry about your grandfather.

PS, blogger sucks, typepad rocks! (again)


7:02 AM


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