Saturday, November 11, 2006

I didn't like the movie. Yes, there were funny parts but the disgusting parts overpowered them. Onto bigger and better things.
We joined a gym. We went today and I am so freaking weak and out of shape it's embarrassing. I guess the only way to improve is to keep going. There is heart disease on both sides of my family, as well as diabetes, high blood pressure, and other health issues and although I am in no way overweight, I am concerned about my health. That, and I need a stress reliever. We're going to try for a Saturday/Tuesday/Thursday gym schedule and I have yoga/pilates on Mondays. Check back with me to see if we actually do it. I'm off to work on report cards! By the way. . .

How do you keep yourself motivated to work out?


Blogger Lisa said...

Hey C, That is a good question, I have not been to the gym in a Looonnnggg time! I need to go. But I like to keep track of progress, like how many miles (or .miles) i can do in 15 minutes, and when I improve, I feel better. I think it just comes down to FORCING yourself to go. Which isn't always easy. Like today... I woke up at 5:30, going into work to help the keepers for 2 hours, (raking and shoveling crap off of a 4.5 acre african savanna exhibit) and then walk around all day talking about animals, and keeping people from touching 1.5 dozen squirrel monkeys until 5pm. Do you think I'm gonna go to the gym? HA! No... But thats just me. ;-P Hope you are well. I will update my blog soon, I promise. Things are good.

5:17 AM

Blogger e said...

I have no answer for you. I need to get motivated as well. I think the key for me in the next year and a half will be boredom (check my blog for big news updates!).

Good luck!

11:48 AM


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