Monday, May 15, 2006

Been here long?

Jade has made me think about moving. I like lists so here it goes.

1. Born in Sacramento, California and lived in a house with Mom, Dad, and big brother.
2. At 11 months, moved to Anchorage Alaska and lived in a duplex for a year or so.
3. Moved to our first house in Anchortown. Nice swingset in the backyard. We were there for a few years.
4. Moved to an amazing house that had a wishing well in the backyard, a library with marble floor converted into a playgound, and a sauna and massage table in my parents' bathroom. Unfortunately the heating didn't work well, which, in Alaska, makes people move out. Fast.
5. Moved to the house where I met my childhood best friend.
6. Moved to the house we lived in for the longest span of my childhood. It's the house we had my dad's surprise 49th birthday party, I brought my first "boyfriend" to, the house I was an angst-ridden teenager in, and the house my brother left when he moved out when he was 16.
7. Junior year of high school, moved to the house my parents currently live in. It's a great house that they've worked to remodel quite a bit and hope to sell in a few years when my dad "retires."
8. I moved to Corvallis, Oregon and into the dorm, where I met the Husband! :-) Best move of my life. My dad took me to college and helped me carry all my belongings up the 84 stairs (the elevator was VERY crowded and my dad isn't a fan of them anyway) in 95 degree heat. No air conditioning.
9. Sophomore year of college-moved into my first apartment with crazy roommate #1.
10. Summer after sophomore year-stayed in town for summer school and moved into the house the Husband (then boyfriend) shared with two other guys and two other girls. We were cozy.
11. Junior year-moved into apartment #2 with crazy roommate #2. I can pick them.
12. Senior year-moved into a townhouse with the Husband (great move!) and lived happily ever after.
13. Spring/Summer of senior year, during which I graduated, got married, and, yes, moved! Moved into my in-laws house up near Portland, as they packed up to move to Washington and we tried to decide between Washington and Colorado.
14. We decided on Washington. Went to Alaska to get married. Moved to Washington and lived with the in-laws for a few weeks in THEIR new house while we found an apartment in Seattle.
15. Moved to cute one-bedroom, one-closet apartment in Seattle.
16. 1 1/2 years later, bought our wonderful new home.
One year later, we're still here and planning to be so for awhile!

I need to stop moving.


Blogger Lisa said...

ya got me beat. no contest! Geeze girl~! If that were me, I would have been living out of laundry baskets.

So does it feel like home? ;P

10:26 PM


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