Saturday, May 20, 2006

Happy 27th to my love

I can't believe this is your 7th birthday that we've celebrated together. It makes me feel like we've been together for an eternity, but in a good way. I know things are a bit up in the air right now with the work situation but I have to tell you I'm so proud of you for everything you have already done in your entire life. Thank you for letting me be such a big part of it. I love being your favorite person to lay on the couch and watch Scrubs with. I love it.

Somewhat off topic here. I'm watching Felicity, (Senior year) and it's the one where Ben just came home from being away at EMT training all summer and the pure look of joy on Felicity's face as she saw him walk into the room reminds me EXACTLY how I felt every single time you picked me up from the airport after being away from you in college for winter/summer/etc. break. I just wanted to tell you that. I can remember the actual feeling that my heart was going to literally explode all over the inside of the airplane and the other passengers. It still makes me smile.


Blogger e said...

I want to be in love...

9:23 PM


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