Sunday, April 01, 2007

Every time I've tried to post in the last couple of weeks blogger has been ultra-dumb and wouldn't let me. I know, I know, L you're going to tell me blooger sucks and I should try something else. I'm just not cool enough.
Things here in rainy Seattle are going okay but I'm in a bit of a funk. It doesn't help that it's still cold and rainy out and it's April. We're dogsitting for the in-laws and their crazy insane wacko dog, Charlie, woke us up at 4 FREAKING AM this morning, whining to go out. Since I'm married to the greatest man in the world, I didn't have to get up but I still didn't manage to get back to sleep until 5, and then woke up at 6, and finally got up around 7. Grrrrrrrr.
On another note- I've been trying to not complain as much though lately so I'll stop now and focus on the positive:
1. The animals are all asleep. And quiet.
2. Our good friends Jake and Cerra came over today and we had lunch and chatted. It was great! She's also a third-grade teacher so we compared stories. They're expecting their first baby in June so that's exciting too. It seems like there are a lot of pregnant people around here. Maybe because it's Spring? I'm not sure what I mean by that exactly!?
3. Spring Break starts in a week and we're going to the Oregon coast for 2 nights.
4. We're having the Husband's family over to our house for Easter dinner. Now THAT makes me feel like an adult! :-)
5. "Planet Earth" is on tonight! I love that show!


Blogger m said...

I like the part about having your inlaws over for dinner making you feel like an adult. We haven't done that yet. I just realized that. We always go over. I wonder why that is? I've gotta think on that one.

9:30 PM


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