Monday, May 28, 2007

GoOd NeWs FoR pEoPlE wHo LoVe GoOd NeWs

I'm feeling a bit better!
Things I think helped:
1. Good sleep last night.
2. Rex sleeping next to me.
3. The BIL and SIL came over today, BIL to help with the deck (they made great progress!) and SIL to keep my sick @$$ company.
4. Jamba Juice the Husband got me for my sore throat (6 days of coughing will do that to a person).
5. "I AM LOVED" pin the Husband put on my Jamba cup.
6. Emails I got from concerned friends. I am loved!
7. Cough syrup.
8. Knowing I haven't had a fever in 24+ hours.
9. Sub plans I wrote for tomorrow that don't actually suck that bad.
10. Knowing I'm going to the doctor tomorrow and (hopefully) she'll tell me I'm on the road to recovery and can return to work soon. Believe me, I didn't think I'd be saying I miss work this time of year!


Blogger e said...

It's bad enough being sick, but then writing sub plans on top of it all? TORTURE!

9:31 PM


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