Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Guess what?

Every year (for the past three) on the first day of Spring Break, the Husband has gotten a letter from our school district saying, "Thanks but no thanks for next year" meaning he was always getting a one-year contract. Every year. Which basically means he's constantly applying for his own job again, each year in August and we're never sure what will happen and if he'll have a job and if we'll have enough money. It's a long story about why this was always happening to him that I don't want to go into on this here internets but that's not the point.
The point is. . . . . today he got his continuing contract, meaning he's good to go and officially has a job with the district, for more than a year! YIPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


Blogger e said...

I hate it when school districts are crappy. But I'm glad Husband has a job for next year without all the hassle!

8:17 AM

Blogger m said...

congrats to you and hubbie!

11:37 PM


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