Friday, September 23, 2005

Pity Party:Table For One Please

Why oh why am I posting at 10:30am on a weekday? Well because yesterday was a day from H-E-Double Hockey Sticks. I was working in the morning before the kids got there and I noticed a tooth in the back of my mouth was really super duper sharp. A filling broke! I don't know how or when it broke but I think it must have been yesterday morning sometime. Then my throat started to REALLY hurt and by the end of the day my voice was going. The next great joy? Open House was last night! I called to make a dentist appointment and typed sub plans in a hurry while I was still trying to set up for all the parents that were coming. I raced home to let the dog out and give him dinner and got back to school just in time. An hour later, I had met 19 out of my 27 kids' families and I literally could not talk. I went to pick up The Husband but he was still in the middle of HIS Open House! We finally drove home around 8:00 and stopped to pick up Thera-Flu and tissues. I went home and passed out only to have to get up at 5:20am to get to my 7:00am dentist apointment. The best part? My dentist was 40 minutes late! All he did was smooth out the rough part of the broken filling and tell me I need a crown. And my appointment is in December. December? That's in three months?!
Enough said. I'm leaving to go to school and teach for the afternoon.


Blogger Lisa said...

Aww if anyone can sympathize... its ME! lol. i'm sorry you had to deal with that! Teeth suck, why can't they just STAY PERFECT!

If it makes you feel any better, on WEd i had to stay home from work because I got attacked by mosquitoes. i had about 10 bites, mostly on my right arm, and i am allergic. They swell up to the size of ping pong balls, and itch like crazy. I just about went insane. i didn't even feel like blogging about it! :-/ a, it was not pretty.

But i hope you feel better! At least its Friday, and you can relax this weekend (hopefully!)

12:58 PM

Blogger e said...

I am so sorry! You know, Thera-Flu just doesn't cut it for me. I had some the other night, and nada. I'm a DayQuil/NyQuil kind of girl. PS - I feel a ton better and I hope you do too (soon)!

9:51 PM


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