Saturday, September 10, 2005

When it Rains, it Pours. . .

I don't really have words to explain my Friday. I would probably use words that I'm not really interested in saying on here. I'm not entirely sure how much I can post on here (don't want to get "dooced") so I'll just give a quick rundown.

A student was very challenging yesterday, talking back and acting very disrespectful and disruptive. The student was also leaving the room without permimssion and wandering around the room, acting rude to other students. Unfortunately, our principal was out of the building for the day. Needless to say, a "regular education" classroom may not be the best placement for this student. I just kept imagining the 24 other students going home and telling their families they couldn't do their independent reading because one of their classmates was pounding on the computer keyboard (off-limits) and saying "I hate all of you" to them.

Some numbers. . .
8:00pm: The time I fell asleep on the couch last night
11: The number of hours I slept last night
4,735: The number of times I wanted to SCREAM out loud yesterday
Over 15,000: The number of steps I took yesterday
14: The number of roses the Husband got me yesterday because my day sucked

You'll never guess where I'm going today. School. I'm going because every single one of my students deserves a prepared teacher on Monday morning and considering I did no planning yesterday due to the intenseness, I am heading in this morning. Meaning Saturday. See, you have to be crazy to do this job. I guess I am.


Blogger Lisa said...

Wow C. Sounds VERY crazy, I am sorry. Glad you got a lot of sleep though! I know 25 3rd graders would wear me out too! But the roses... SO SWEET. the Husband is awesome!

10:33 AM

Blogger m said...

That stinks. I hope you have a better day Monday. Well, really, that was today...okay all mixed up now...

Sorry your day was bad.

10:43 PM


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