Monday, March 06, 2006

My life

I know it's been awile since I've posted but I've been trying to decide what to write about. I feel like all I ever write about is work and the kids. I know there's more to my life and I'm not JUST a teacher so I decided that's what I'm writing about tonight-my life.

We saw our five-week-old nephew Leaf this weekend! The great-grandparents flew in from California to meet him for the first time. I just love him so much it's silly. My sister-in-law and brother-in-law are doing so well adjusting to parenthood. I'm so impressed. I just think it's cool how they have made the baby fit into their lives instead of fiting their lives around him. Does that make sense? Like they stil go out for breakfast on the weekends and my sister-in-law walks with him in the Baby Bjorn all around downtown and to the grocery store. It's scary though in a way-because they make having a baby look so. . .great and not-terribly difficult! I know they are tired and probably stressed but my sister-in-law is so content with her new role as stay at home mom.

I had about a three week break during which I didn't go to my yoga/pilates class due to migraines/sinus infections/trips to Alaska but luckily class started back up again tonight! It was a wonderfuly relaxing class and I'm so glad to get back into it.


Blogger Lisa said...

hmmm... you guys thinking this baby thing seems easy enough? Haha... Jay's brother just had a son, and his other brother just found out him and his wife are expecting. now the real pressure is on.. just kidding. Give me two years. At least. :)

10:13 AM

Blogger e said...

Everyone is having babies. And holding babies. I want a baby.

10:33 AM


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