Sunday, May 21, 2006

I knew I married the right man

when he stopped mid-Sunday-comic-reading and went to the store to buy milk for my cereal this morning.

when he rubbed my back during The Davinci Code as I leaned forward, trying to get comfortable in the uncomfortable seats.

when he vaccuumed before his own party even though I told him he didn't have to.

everytime he cleans up after the dog in the backyard.

everytime he grabs me and makes me dance, in our living room, in the backyard, in the street.

when he agreed to take Rex for a walk in the rain today.

when he tries to get out of bed really carefully so he doesn't wake me up and I get a few extra minutes of sleep every day.


Blogger e said...

So sweet! What did you think of The Da Vinci Code? Did you read the book? I liked it alright, but there was so much hype it just kind of seemed...anticlimactic. But at the same time, it provided great visual images of the historical places they visited. Just wanted someone else's perspective (and as silly as it seems, I really do value yours).

10:03 PM

Blogger Lisa said...

AWWWWW men can be so sweet without even trying sometimes huh? Its the little things that really count.

4:40 PM


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