Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Happy 2nd Birthday

The first day we picked you up you were so timid, scared. You had to be carried out of the house you were being fostered in and I felt really bad, taking you from the only good home you had known. You lived with a bunch of cats and dogs and kids and I was worried you might be bored at our house. You had been adopted out twice but were returned because you were "too aggressive" which is the strangest thing I had ever heard. Your foster mom agreed. She'd been fostering animals for years and said she had never seen a sweeter puppy. She had even taken your information off of the petfinder website because she was too scared to let someone else take you only to return you a few days/weeks later. She said it would be too hard to see. We found you through someone who knew her and told her we would be your forever home. I'll never forget driving you back to our house, you didn't made a peep.

You're the kindest puppy there has ever been. You've never done so much as nip at any person or other animal. When we first took you for walks, you were so submissive around other dogs you would roll onto your back as you walked up to them, to let them know it's okay, you knew they were in charge. Luckily you're not quite that bad anymore. Sometimes you'll even stay on your feet as you meet a new dog.

You use to be terrified of water in all forms-baths, lakes, streams, and even puddles. Much to our surprise and delight, we took you down to the Sound about 6 months ago and followed another dog into the water! You even swam! We were so proud of you-your ex-lifeguard dad has always wanted you to be a "water dog."

Before we adopted you we read a book called, "How to Be Your Dog's Best Friend" written by the monks of New Skeete, which is a crazy titled because that's not what it's about. It's a dog training book that helped me feel more prepared to be your new family. I never had a dog growing up, and I was afraid I wasn't going to be a good dog mom. Little did I know it would come pretty naturally, although dog class helped too! You're still not perfect at walks (you want to prance pretty fast!) and you don't always come when I call. You bark (only inside the house, okay, in the backyard too!) when you see squirels, birds, dogs, or neighbors. You use to get carsick and puke all over your crate in the car. I was worried we might fail out of dog school because you pulled so hard I almost dislocated my shoulder on more than one occasion. But you also get so excited when I come home from work, gave me kisses when my Grandpa died, and have made me laugh time after time when you were chasing a toy around the house and slide crazily all over the hardwood floors. I know most people think it's crazy to love an animal this much, but I don't care. They've never had a Rex before I guess.

I love you pup.


Blogger Lisa said...

Aww! Happy Birthday Rex-y-ROO!!! (sorry, I have to make a cutesy name out of everything...) Nova (aka Nova-Dood, bitty bub, bumpers) just had his birthday on the 27th.

7:14 AM


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