Sunday, July 17, 2005

100 Things. . .Finally Done!

I actually finished my "100 Things" believe it or not.

Are blogs selfish/self-centered? A little. Oh well. I've seen some people do this on their blogs so here I go.

100 things about me

1. I've been married for almost 2 years.
2. My husband is unbelievable. I know everyone says that about their husband but I am serious. He is amazing.
3. I'm a vegetarian.
4. I wanted to be a pilot when I was a kid.
5. I've never had a dog.
6. I have the best family ever.
7. I have the best family-in-law ever.
8. Office Space is one of my favorite movies.
9. I hope to change #5 in July sometime.
10. I'm a member of MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving). No, you don't have to be a mother to belong.
11. I only started eating tomatoes in college.
13. I don't really like vegetarian pizza.
14. I did ballet, tap, jazz, and modern dance for thirteen years.
15. I played the piano and the violin when I was a kid.
16. My brother offered to beat up a boyfriend who was mean to me once.
17. I love to read.
18. I use to get sick on Halloween, every other year, when I was younger.
19. I hated school lunch in elementary school.
20. I got glasses on the last day of third grade and didn't get contacts until my sophomore year in college.
21. I can't swim and my husband's a lifeguard.
22. In college I bought a Nissan Sentra that was a stick shift even though I didn't really know how to drive it.
23. I got in a *minor* car accident in above Nissan which totaled my car. I have pain almost everyday from my injury.
24. I love to eat ice cream.
25. My dad was 40 when I was born.
26. My mom was 25.
27. I eat a lot of pasta.
28. I have a grey cat.
29. I love the ocean.
30. My best friend in high school lived with my family during our senior year.
31. I met my husband on the first day I moved into my dorm, September 22, 1999.
32. I don't really like playing sports.
33. My cousin was born a month after me and we lived together the first two years of our lives. We thought we were siblings, not cousins.
34. I am an anxious person.
35. One of my (eight-year-old) students said to me, "You should go into comedy."
36. If I wasn't a girl, my parents would have kept having kids.
37. I loved Reading Rainbow and 3-2-1 Contact when I was a kid.
38. I don't drink.
39. I've been in an ambulance once. I passed out in a store, fell face-forward on the floor, broke my front tooth out and got a concussion. I had a headache for a week and when I returned to school, my friends had decorated my locker with giant signs. It was sweet.
40. I love tank tops. It's ridiculous.
41. I get carsick and seasick.
42. I make up stories in my head about people I see.
43. Seeing roadkill makes me want to cry.
44. I hate outhouses.
45. My husband wants me to write more on my blog profile.
46. I don't really like the word blog.
47. I always have a Luna or granola bar with me incase my blood sugar level gets too low.
48. We had forget-me-nots (Alaska's state flower) on our wedding cake.
49. I'm usually the passenger in the car and that's fine for me. I do, however, drive us to work and home at the end of the day.
50. My parents had to go to a parent/teacher conference in first grade because I was a "Social butterfly" and causing too many distractions.
51. If I wasn't a teacher I would work with monkeys or make scrapbooks.
52. I helped wire the surround sound system in our new house. . . and hated it.
53. My brother gave me chicken pox for Christmas one year.
54. I use to think there were little men under the streets controlling the traffic lights.
55. I hate scary movies.
56. I hated climbing ropes in gym class.
57. I've been to Hawaii 5 times. Please don't hate me. Two times were as a babysitter.
58. I think 2 or 3 kids would be great.
59. I can't sing but I still like to.
60. I was born in Sacramento, California.
61. I like cows.
62. I got my belly button pierced when I was 18. I've never taken the barbell out except for an x-ray once.
63. I do not think fruits belong in deserts.
64. When I was in elementary school I took "weird" things for lunch, like salads and cooked artichokes.
65. I love Original Veggie Burgers and hate Boca Burgers.
66. I was in a baby pagent when I was little and refused get off the stage.
67. I'm terrified of bees, spiders, and most bugs.
68. My first airplane ride was when I was 11 months old, moving from Cali to AK.
69. All four of my grandparents are alive.
70. My great-grandmother on my Dad's side of the family lived to be 103 years old.
71. I've never riden on a motorcycle.
72. I got my ears pierced when I was in second grade. I also got a (bad) perm.
73. I worked in retail for about six months at a children's clothing store.
74. I hate going to the dentist.
75. I have three crowns in my mouth.
76. I begged my mother for a NKOTB bedspread when I was about 10.
77. I am Italian and Danish and probably something else too.
78. I knew my brother had tatoos long before my parents did.
79. My husband taught me how to drive stick shift.
80. My cat's name (at my parents' house) is Cinderella. Come on-I was in second grade.
81. I was in plays when I was a kid. I wanted to be an actress when I grew up. I outgrew this at about age 10.
82. I can't whistle.
83. My favorite band is The Smashing Pumpkins. Yes, I know they no longer exist.
84. I like to walk but not run.
85. I don't really like to talk in front of large groups of adults. Kids, I'm fine.
86. I've never been out of the country. Oh wait-I visited Canada for a day once. I went bowling.
87. My husband and I were engaged for a long time-almost two years.
88. My grandmother came to American from Italy when she was a child.
89. I've never gambled. Actually, do slot machines count? If they do, then I suppose I have.
90. I'm going to be an aunt sometime in February.
91. I like to get take-out for dinner.
92. I'm addicted to reading people's blogs.
93. My favorite things to do when I was a kid were read and dance.
94. We always had our Easter Egg Hunts in the snow when I was growing up.
95. I've lived in 15 different houses/apartments in four states.
96. I enjoy writing letters.
97. I use to babysit a lot in highschool and the summers of college.
98. I like lists. Grocery lists, to do lists, any kind of lists.
99. I'm not very good at gardening but I am trying.
100. I'm happy.



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