Wednesday, July 06, 2005


Not only did I get to celebrate 24 years on this crazy planet we like to call earth yesterday, but I also got some very fun gifts from my family. Ma and Pa gave me the tote in the picture but in brown-check out them! My bro and his girl presented me with a giftcard to Old Navy, and of course I already knew what my honey gave me-two tickets to see Billy Corgan in concert in Seattle. Oh and good old Grandma and Grandpa sent a check, which, let's face it, you can never go wrong with. Dinner was great, although it involved WAY TOO SPICY enchiladas that had to be controlled with sour cream. We went to a fun restaurant that you can eat your food while you watch a movie, or eat in the restaurant part, which we did. I also talked to a few friends on the phone last night, catching up while we're here in town, and I'm trying to set up a time to meet with everyone. Cupcakes were delicious after dinner and we sat around just talking. All in all, a delightful way to spend my 24th. Now I just have to get my body adjusted to this insane sunshine-it's killing me.


Blogger Lisa said...

Hmm, so does the sunshine mean that you can work on your tan at midnight. That would be so wierd. I am sure that it is too cold for a bathing suit anyway. Have you seen a moose yet~? :)

I love animals, if you could not tell. (except for my cat... who seems to be doing better though!)

7:28 AM


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