Monday, August 08, 2005


We took Rex to the park/beach today and he had a grand old time walking around and checking things out. He doesn't really like walks in our neighborhood but he LOVES to get in the Jeep and go other places.

I'm reading this right now. Yes, I know, I'm behind everyone else. I'm not in a big hurry to catch up really. Just enjoying myself. Anyone else think it's crazy how whinny Harry is in this one? I know he's suppose to be a teenager but the boy complains about everything!

We watched Napolean Dynamite for the one-hundred and fifteenth time. Only a slight exaggeration.


Blogger m said...

Ya - when I read the HP book, I noticed that too. He's really angry in that one.

You know, I have actually NEVER seen that movie all the way through? I've seen parts of it, but it's still on the "what am I waiting for?" list.

11:07 PM

Blogger C said...

Desertundine-try to take the hour and 1/2 to watch it all the way through-it's so random and humorous!

10:07 AM

Blogger e said...


8:33 PM


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