Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Weepy Weepy Jonathan

I just watched the Blow Out Season Finale/Reunion show. Jonathan is so ridiculous it's. . . well, ridiculous. I've been watching the show on and off (mostly the past month or so) and laughing OUT LOUD when the Husband mocked Jonathan as he acted like his weepy self. Well, on the reunion show, he and his gf announced they are having a baby-yeah, that's nice. Then, his gf surprised him by telling him the gender of their baby-male. Yeah yeah yeah. Still sweet but I actually just thought that was sad-he didn't get to be at the appointment to find that out that information himself? How involved is he? The gf mentioned, "it's so hard that he's gone so much." Then (of course I saw it four MILLION times on the previews on Bravo) Jonathan proposed to his little lady friend. Sweet but I still just puke a little in my mouth when he talks about how difficult it is to be him when he's talking to his therapist. Would you let a camera tape you while you're talking to your psychologist? I wouldn't. My rant is over. Period.


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