Saturday, August 06, 2005

Cute as a

That's what Rex's uncle said about him yesterday. Nothing exciting to write about really, just the same old, same old. We're teachers with the summer off, what more can I say? We picked up Rex yesterday morning from the vet and we're trying to keep him calm. I didn't know dogs couldn't run around/jump/play/be wild for 7 days after being neutered?! Wowsers. So of course, what does he want to do? Jump after a tennis ball which he barely EVER wants to do normally. I tried to take him for a walk today (the Husband was playing video games so I was solo) and it was pretty bad. He walked fine for a bit, heeling like he was suppose to but then he heard a weed whacker and freaked out! He wouldn't heel well at all and I was ticked off at him by the time I got home. I need to remember he's still a puppy and he didn't get the most consistent training like he should have when he was really young. I wish he wasn't afraid of noises and going out the front door-what's that about? If he could, he would stay inside ALL DAY LONG. I guess he just needs more exposure to the outside in a positive way. We're trying-we really are! I feel like a bad doggie mom.


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