Friday, July 29, 2005

Rock Climbing

Today we went hiking/climbing with the Husband's little bro and his wife at Exit 38. That's on I-90 just past Issaquah. (Don't you just love the names of cities here in Washington?) Now, I've been sick for four days. Sick like I thought I would never get to eat "real" food again, sick like all I did was lay on the couch and watch terrible daytime television (thank God for cable), sick like I was almost crying. What was I saying? Oh yeah. I was finally feeling better yesterday (Thursday) so good we even went to friends' house to watch BB6. (Anyone?) I ate Mongolian food-not jello and toast! I even had a few bites of the birthday cake they had bought for me. So sweet. And delicious. But I digress. BACK TO TODAY. I decided I was feeling well enough to go out into the great outdoors. Husband kind of had to convince me I wanted to go hiking in the woods but I finally let in. We drove for an hour or so until we reached Exit 38 and started the hike up to the gigantic wall of rocks. When I say hike, I mean the guys BOUNDED UP THE FREAKING TRAIL and sister-in-law and I COMPLETELY LAGGED BEHIND THEM. We were seriously dying. Every once in awhile I think I need to get out and exercise more and today was one of those days. It kicked my butt big time. We told the husbands to go on ahead without us becuase we kept having to stop to rest. In my defense. . .no, I'm just that out of shape. Sad, isn't it? It was basically a crazy uphill battle the whole way. When we finally reached the climbing spot the boys wanted, s-i-l and I passed out from pure pain and suffering. The truth? We sat on pokey rocks and ate Wheat Thins while we discussed our other sister-in-law's pregnancy.

The boys had a really good time climbing, doing all 5.10 climbs. Means nothing to me but maybe DesertJade you know what I'm talking about? Us girls didn't climb because we don't have the gear we need (shoes, helmets, harnesses). I had about fifteen thousand and thirty-two heart attacks as the guys climbed and belayed back down. Seriously, there's a reason I don't watch the Husband do this kind of stuff! They were very safe though-even more safe since "the wives" were present. We got some crazy pics and this will probably be the last time the Husband and little bro will get to go climbing for at least a year together. Little bro and his wife move to Germany on Wednesday!
*Click on the photos to see them even better!*


Blogger Lisa said...

Wow~ Looks like fun!

6:04 AM


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