Sunday, July 31, 2005

The thing everyone else is doing

I've seen this little survey (I am a SUCKER for surveys) on a bunch of blogs I read so I thought I'd go ahead and do it too. Guess I'm a follower! Here it goes.

10 years ago: I was 14! Wow it's hard to remember what was happening 10 years ago. How does one remember ten years ago? One finds one's journal from the summer before high school and DIES laughing at the silly adolescent rantings of a weepy teenager. That was the summer I went to Salt Lake City (now here's the weird part) with my church youth group and no, we weren't Morman! where I had a crush on three boys and dyed my hair blue. I still remember the look on my mother's face when I got off the plane. Sadly, I will not be sharing photos of that. Here's an excerpt from my old journal that I wrote in that summer;
I've never been so scared in my whole life. I'm going to high school in four days. Oh my gosh (yes, it actually says that!) I'm so scared I want to cry. I called Nikki and she's just as scared as me. Thank goodness I have her to help me through all of this. I'm so happy we're sharing a locker!

I was THE DORKIEST 14 year old ever.

5 years ago: I was 19. It was the summer after my freshman year at college. I was massively in love with the Husband (the Boyfriend at that time). It was the only summer of college that I actually went home for the whole three months. The Boyfriend came to Alaska to visit me and we had the greatest week. He gave me a promise ring for my 19th birthday. My dad was nervous. Enough said.

1 year ago: The Husband and I were celebrating one year of marriage, we went to our close friends' wedding (I was a bridesmaid for the first time) and we were both looking for teaching jobs. That part sucked big time.

Yesterday: We got great news-we can adopt the puppy we've been wanting on Monday! So we went out to buy a crate and some other supplies we need for him. We also bought a really cool book called The Dog Lover's Companion to the Pacific Northwest. The afternoon included yummy Jamba Juice, video games (for the Husband) and lots of reading blogs for me. We went to a barbecue for the Younger Brother and sister-in-law (the ones that are moving to Germany, not the ones that are having a baby). Good times with the family.

Five snacks I enjoy: Ice cream (my favorite!), summertime fruit (raspberries, peaches, nectarines, etc.), Jamba Juice, graham crackers with peanut butter, and Nutz Over Chocolate Luna Bars.

Five song I know all the words to: Tonight, Tonight (Smashing Pumpkins), Here Comes the Sun (The Beatles), most Elvis songs (don't ask), Ice Cream (Sarah McLaughlin), and Strong Enough (Sheryl Crow). I swear I know more than that though!

Five things I would do with $100 million: Pay off our mortgage, pay off our student loans, become a stay at home mom, buy my husband the car he wants, and give lots and lots of money to people who need it more than me.

Five places I would escape to: Italy, somewhere tropical like the Bahamas or the Virgin Islands, Utah to visit a close friend, and Arizona to visit my best friend.

Five bad habits: Being bossy, talking in my sleep, being an under-achieving perfectionist, not cooking, and not gardening well.

Five things I like doing: Reading books, reading blogs, watching TV, taking walks, and talking with friends.

Five things I'd never wear: I don't like to say "never" since things can always change, but here are a few things I know I *probably* wouldn't wear-REALLY high high heels (I'd trip), a tuxedo (I don't want to look like a boy), bell bottoms, a sleeveless turtleneck (it doesn't make sense-are you hot or cold?) and a really really short skirt (I don't like my legs that much).

Five TV shows I like: ONLY FIVE???? Right now my five favorites are: Hell's Kitchen, Big Brother (peer pressure, solely peer pressure), Hogan Knows Best, and when they are on, Amazing Race, Gilmore Girls, Scrubs, and Survivior. Yes, I know that's more than five.

Five biggest joys of the moment: We're getting our puppy on Monday! I'm going to be an aunt! My best friend might come to visit in September! I just celebrated two wonderful years of marriage with my kick-ass husband! and I'm not sick anymore! This is something we should all to everyday-ackowledge what is joyful in our lives, don't you think?

Five favorite toys: Do blogs count? Well, if they do, then mine. My apple laptop. My cell phone. My car? That's all I can think of.

That was fun.


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