Sunday, January 14, 2007

We're going on day 4 of snow still in the yard. We've only ventured out to return a library book and pick up supplies for the Husband to build a shelving unit in the laundry room. Exciting? Not so much. Relaxing to have so much time off? Yes. In the last few days I've watching too much television, played with the dog, made chocolate chip cookies (double batch!), knitted, paid bills, vacuumed, gone thru my clothes for Goodwill, looking online for birthday present ideas for my almost-one-year-old nephew, watched the snow fall, went on one slippery walk, done laundry, and watched some movies. We still have two days (today and tomorrow) off! To be honest, I'm not even sure what I'm doing when we get back to school. After almost a week off (5 days really) it's hard to remember where we were in all of the subjects and I left school last Wednesday not knowing we were going to have a snow day (make that snow days!) so I didn't bring any work home. It's been nice to take a REAL break though, and not work at all on schoolwork. Well, I'm off to. . .enjoy my time.


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