Sunday, August 14, 2005


The Husband's been on me about changing my "screen name" from just the initial "C." Will he help me think of something? No. So we discussed what other people have done. I told him some people go by their real names and some make up names. I told him about Erica, DesertJade, DesertUndine, LittleRazz.

So here's the poll. I'm leaving it up to you.

SHOULD I..........

A) Keep using "C"?

B) Find/think of a screen name that seems more like a name?

I don't really care one way or the other but I need some help deciding-so ladies-it's up to you!

I lead such a damn exciting life, no?


Blogger Lisa said...

I would change it, but I don't have any suggestions... You should let your husband come up with a name for you, since he is so concerned about it...

10:36 AM

Blogger C said...

Desertjade-I agree, he should come up with it! Although he might choose something really weird. . . we'll see!

10:57 AM

Blogger m said...

I like just "c", but then something new may be fun, so I'm not sure. Ya, that helped you. Hmmmmm....

maybe used a nick-name? What does your hubbie call you? (well, if it's appropriate, right?)

Really though, I wasn't all that creative on mine, I just stole half a jade's name. Heh.

1:01 PM


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