Sunday, August 14, 2005

Busy Little Bee

Busy week here. . . my good friend from junior high/high school, Amber, came to visit on Thursday. We had a whole day of scrapbooking (yes, we're dorks) planned but that was quickely tossed to the side when we went to the farmer's market, found raspberries, and decided to make raspberry jam. Needless to say, it took FOREVER. Couscous tacos also took up some of our time too of course. We did triple the recipe which might have something to do with the time-consumingness of making the jam. We stayed up late watching chick flicks while the Husband was out visiting friends. All in all, a great girls' night in.

Friday I went shopping with my sister in law in Seattle. We had a grand ol' time. She found some cute maternity clothes and we had a delightful lunch at a brewery in Pacific Place. The waiter was so cute-he forgot to bring us our water and then he had to ask us again what we ordered for lunch so the third time he came back (saying-"I was out WAY too late last night) he also said, "You're getting free dessert for this!" And alas-chocolate cake was ours!
The Husband and I went to the drive-in that night and saw Wedding Crashers and Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Down in Auburn (about 20 minutes from us) there is a six-screen drive in theatre that only charges $7 a person and you get to see two movies! We ate way too many Sour Patch Kids and we snuck in the dog. . .he had a great time sleeping in the back seat.

Yesterday we went to Lake Cavanaugh to visit friends at their family cabin. Rex had never been in water so we were a little curious how he would take to it. Yeah, he didn't. At all! He hated it. The Husband took him (basicaly CARRIED him) into the lake and tried to get him to swim around. The dog swam alright-straight to the sand and up to the chairs! Not a fan. Can't say I blame him-me not being a water person myself. The Husband had a great time wakeboarding the whole day. Me? I sat in an adorondak chair (my favorite) with the dog in my lap. Drumroll please........because I actually did get into the water up to my neck for about five minutes. This is a big step people-usually I barely wade in lake water. This is a picture of what I saw from my comfy chair.

Today, you ask? Well today we will be traveling up to the dog park of all dog parks-Marymoor Park in Redmond, Washington. Apparently it's the shit. I'll post my review later.

On a totally different note-you know when you start thinking about something that happened in you life around a certain time of the year and you just can't get it out of your head? I'm experiencing that right now, I'll probably post about it later in the week if I can.


Blogger Lisa said...

OH wow, I am moving to the NorthWest. I wanted to jump right through my computer screen into that postcard perfect picture. Wow, so beautiful!

5:31 PM

Blogger e said...

Isn't Washington beautiful?!?!?

It sounds like you guys are having a great time.

Did you just love Wedding Crashers?

7:35 PM


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