Sunday, February 17, 2008


I awoke to sun coming in through the curtains. I didn't get up until 9:00am. Well, unless you count the trips to the bathroom to pee. I'm 13 weeks pregnant today and actually feeling good. Maybe it's the sunshine I woke up to. Perhaps the fact that I don't have to go back to work until Wednesday? It could be that we visited with friends last night and I actually managed to stay up until almost 11pm! (Nevermind that I took a nap in the afternoon to "prepare" to stay up that late!) Could it be the fact that we're visiting friends tonight that we haven't seen in 4 months? Or maybe it's the appointment I'm looking forward to on Tuesday where we'll get to hear the baby's heartbeat again. No, I think I know what it is. The realization that my child will grow up with a very special cousin. They might even share a birthday! We just found out the Husband's brother and sister-in-law (the ones without kids yet!) are expecting their own little one a day after us! Life is grand.


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