Thursday, May 08, 2008

Fall down go boom

Good: My kids were really well behaved today
Bad: I twisted my ankle and fell as I walked out to the playground to pick up my class after first recess

Good: The kids all ran over and shouted, "Are you okay???" very sweetly
Bad: The fact that all my weight (including the extra 15+ pounds I've put on with the pregnancy so far) and my entire body landed on my right knee

Good: A friend gave me a ride home after work since the Husband has a track meet to coach and conferences after that back at school tonight
Bad: My ankle is throbbing and my knee is incredibly sore

Good: I'm sitting on the couch with ice on my ankle and my knee and I don't have to do anything else for the rest of the night except figure out what to eat for dinner
Bad: I've got a field trip on Monday-how am I going to walk around all day with 24 kids with a busted ankle and knee??

Good: One more day until the weekend!


Blogger Sarah Meitner said...

Sorry about your bum ankle. Y-ouch! Hope that field trip today went smoothly. Oh, and belated congrats on your pregnancy. Here's to a happy, healthy remaining four months!

6:19 PM


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