Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Sposa bagnata, sposa fortunata

Rain on the day you get married brings good luck, or so the Italians say. We were married on Saturday, July 26, 2003. And it rained. All day. Our family members were very stressed out. My day started with my best friend Tammy waking me up with smiles and squeals that it was my wedding day. To tell you the truth, I have no idea what we did that morning. I do, however, remember going to get our hair done. Many hours after that, we went to pick up Tam's dress and headed up to the wedding site. I was PARANOID that I would see the Husband (okay, then fiance) so I made everyone check the building to make sure he wasn't there. I rushed inside and hid until it was time to head up the mountain. I was never nervous but Tammy was. She was writing furiously (maid-of-honor speech) and my mom helped me into my dress. Everyone kept coming into the room we were in and asking if I wanted to move the wedding inside the chalet becuase it was raining. I didn't want it to be inside so I insisted we continue with the ceremony outside. As we drove up the hill, my mom, my dad, Tammy, my flowergirl, and the ringbearer were all together in the van. My mom reached over the seat and held my hand to tell me I looked beautiful. I almost cried at that point but somehow I managed to hold it together.

We made it up the hill and I remember being surprised by how many people were sitting in the white wooden chairs. Everyone got out of the car except my dad and I. He hid me so no one could see and when we heard our guitartist start to play "Here Comes The Sun" by the Beatles, we stepped out and walked down the aisle. This is what it's like to be roalty I thought. The rest is a blur but I do remember everyone was freezing from the wind except for me (adreniline I guess), the rain clouds finally dissipated, and the guests never sat back down (THE ENTIRE CEREMONY!) because we hadn't written "you may now be seated" into the ceremony we wrote! It was great. Every family member and friend I have talked to about the wedding have said it was one of the most meaningful and original ceremonies they'd ever been to. That means a lot to us.

Even greater than the wedding though, have been the past two years of marriage. I can't eloquently express how much love I have for my husband. To my love-thank you for taking care of me when I am sick, thank you for adopting a cat with me, thank you for supporting every decision I've ever made, thank you for welcoming me into your family, thank you for loving my family, thank you for making me smile when I'm sad, thank you for keeping me warm when I'm cold, thank you for buying a house with me, thank you for helping me pack up my classroom, thank you for fixing things around the house, thank you for taking walks with me at night, thank you for spoiling me with your love, thank you for always driving, thank you for making the best stir-fry, thank you for beings just as excited as I am about being an aunt and uncle in February, thank you for taking care of our lawn, thank you for acting silly with me on road trips, thank you for accepting my city-girl ways but also trying to expand my horizons, thank you for introducing me to tomatoes, thank you for dancing with me in our livingroom, thank you for loving me more than I thought was ever possible. I'm so happy you asked me to marry you at Mary's Peak and I'm so glad I said yes. I love you hon and I can't wait to continue the wonderful journey that is our marriage.


Blogger Lisa said...

I am going to cry! I hope someday I can find the love and joy you and your husband share! Happy Anniversary!

Beautiful cake/dress/hair/sky by the way. It all sounds perfect!

10:14 AM

Blogger e said...

Seriously! Everything that Jade just said!

1:25 PM


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