Monday, August 22, 2005


I had to outdo you DesertJade-so I added a few more "O"s to my boring. I know how you feel-my life is nothing interesting. I mean, I'm very happy with it but it's not jaw-dropping laugh-a-minute exciting. And I'm okay with that! I am happy to just spend time with the Husband, the cat, and the dog, reading a book or watching a movie. Speaking of movies (nice seguay, no?) I finally convinced the Husband to take a night from WoW (World of Warcraft) and watch a movie with me. While I made dinner he went to the video store and picked up Kung-Fu Hustle. It's was pretty funny if not very strange. We were dog-sitting my in-laws' dog for the afternoon/evening so we didn't really watch the movie in peace but we did finally get the dogs to lay down and chill out.
I know you're just DYING to know what today has in store for C (still haven't thought of another name. . .) and her lovely husband? Well, we're enjoying the last few days of summer we have-I just got my "beginning of the year" letter from my principal and I'll go to my first meeting on Thursday. Yikes! Where did the summer go? I'm in total denial about going back to work. I love the kids and I get along with my fellow teachers but there is just something so SAD about letting go of the summer. Maybe it's the sleeping in (hey-8:00am is late for some of us!) maybe it's the Today show every morning, maybe it's the random walks we get to take, mabye it's laying in the backyard with the dog and reading books, maybe it's spending each and every day with the one I love. Maybe it's all of that and more. What was I saying? Oh yeah-today. We got our registration notification/experation/whatever in the mail and it expires-crap-tomorrow! So today will be spent driving around the freaking state trying to find the DEQ place (do you have to do that in other states or is Washington just anal?) and then a Liscening office to change our address/get our tags. We also need to stop in to visit our niece-cat in Seattle seeing as her parents (bil and sil) are in Canada for a wee little vacation.
Now that I'm done rambling and Regis and Kelly is on, I will go and actually start my day.
PS I stopped allowing annonyms comments because I got a bunch of advertisments the other day in my comments. It was bizarre! I think it's because I commented on LittleRazz's blog and they were all over her comments. Any info on her? I miss reading about her and Sasha.


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