Monday, August 22, 2005


Alrighty, it's time to vote. Let me know what you think should be my new screenname. C'mon-I need your help!

C-Rex: My first name starts with C and Rex is my dog's name. Also, it sounds like T-Rex when you say it outloud. The Husband came up with this one.

Panzon: In high school my good friend Amber and I read a story together for Spanish class-something like "Pepino and Panzon do something" and you guessed it-I read the part of Panzon. We actually called each other these names for awhile and still do occasionally. She's even labled as Pepino in my cell phone.

Sparkplug: The Husband use to call me this because when we first met I was a "little hyperactive girl who use to keep pursuing him all the time." His words, not mine.


Blogger Lisa said...

I like C-rex, or Rexcie (a little more feminine) is kinda cute.

When I think of sparkplug, my mind wanders to the line in "there's somthing about mary" - 'i thought you said she was a real spark plug...' 'Did i say spark plug? I meant butt-plug...'

Not that that has anything whatsoever to do with you, and i'm sure I am the ONLY one who's mind would revert to that. Sorry... I am no help.

5:03 PM

Blogger e said...

I like C-Rex. But then again, I'm okay with just C. Do what makes you happy!

6:43 PM

Blogger m said...

I thought the spark plug one was actually the best, it would be a neat name, but then I didn't remember that part of "There's Something About Mary" so hmmmmmmmm....... C-rex or Rexcie are also cute....

Wow I'm helpful, aren't I? Sorry it took so long for me to get back and vote!

7:51 PM


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