Monday, March 27, 2006

I was feeling all down and out because

First I got a papercut under my fingernail on a file folder OUCH Yes I know in the big scheme of things it really doesn't matter but it hurts like a mother to type on the computer, mostly just when I have to press a or Shift.

Then my yoga teacher told us tonight that her mom has cancer and she is having health problems herself so she has to take some time off-we're getting a sub-a guy

Last I saw a bad car accident on the way home and I always feel upset when I see those and it made me think of a drunk driving car accident that happened this weekend I saw on the news that pissed me off so much because it is totally preventable

So here's what's good in life:

I signed up for the next session of yoga/pilates and the new class is an hour long instead of 45 minutes

We got an unexpected letter in the mail from a friend

I finished teaching the lowercase cursive alphabet today

Spring Break is in TWO WEEKS!!!


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