Friday, July 28, 2006

Life List

So Jade inspired me (quite awhile ago, it's just taken me this long to get it posted!) to post my life list. I started it back in 2000!

Things I want to do this year, next week, in five years, in my lifetime! (and when I did accomplish them)
1. Get back into ballet (Took a few classes in college)
2. Learn to meditate
3. Learn to draw
4. Finish college (Graduated from Oregon State University in June 2003!)
5. Get in touch with old friends: Geneva (Summer 2001), Megan (Summer 2001), Niki (died 8/16/01 so I wasn't able to), Melody and Mandy
6. Read The Grapes of Wrath
7. Learn Self Defense (Took a class in college but a refreasher course would be good)
8. Learn sign language (Junior year in college)
9. Visit Great Grandma Anderson (Winter Break 2001-she was 100 years old!)
10. Buy a car (A stick shift-and I didn't know how to drive it!)
11 Buy a house (March 2005)
12. Learn to change a tire (spring 2003 on the side of Madison Avenue in Seattle!)
13. Go on a trip with Tam
14. Become a mom
14. Become an aunt (Leaf William, 1-28-06!)
15. Learn how to play poker (The Husband taught me while we were camping in the Grand Canyon a few years ago)
16. Learn to play the guitar
17. Teach someone to read (2004)
18. Ace a job interview (August 2004)
19. Pay off our mortgage
20. Get a dog (Rex!)
21. Travel to another country (besides Canada)
22. Do pottery

That's all I'm sharing for now. . .

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


Today's our third wedding anniversary. We spent the day sleeping in, going to Point Defiance Park down in Tacoma,

going out to dinner,

eating cake,

and watching our wedding video.

I'll close with some of our wedding vows. . .
I choose you this day to love and to confide in, to hold on to and reach out from.
I choose you this day to believe in and to share with, to learn from and grow with.
I choose you this day to give you my heart.

Monday, July 24, 2006

AK pictures

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Global Warming

We're home and we're MELLLLLLLLLLLLLTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTING! It was 97 degrees here yesterday and today's high is 95. We're heading up north to the in-laws house for my belated family birthday party in a few hours unless we've completely melted into piles of goo. Not to be confused with our cat, Guu. Speaking of pets, how do you keep yours cool when it's very hot outside (and in!)? We're giving the dog ice cubes to munch on and we've got a few fans set up for him and the cat when we're not home. Maybe a doggie/kiddie pool? In the backyard of course!
PS I will post moose pictures from Alaska sometime soon!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Does two sound like eight?

Continental automated flight arrival and departure system: Please say your flight number. For example, say three, zero, six.

Me: 2. . .3. . .4.

Continental: I think you said Operator. Is this correct? Say yes or no.

Me: No.

Continental: Please say your flight number.

Me: 2. . .3. . .4.

Continental: I think you said 234. Is this correct? Say yes or no.

Me: Yes.

Continental: Do you want arrival or departure information? Say arrival or departure.

Me: Departure.

Continental: I think you said Operator. Is this correct? Say yes or no.

Me: NO.

Continental: Do you want arrival or departure information? Say arrival or departure.

Me: De....par.....ture.

Continental: I think you said departure. Is this correct? Say yes or no.

Me: Yes!

Continental: Flight 834 departed from Newark, New Jersey at 8:36am.


Continental: I didn't hear you. Did you say departure?


Friday, July 14, 2006

It's been awhile. . .

I've tried to post in the last few days but the crappy internet connection here has been plotting against me. So what have we been doing you ask?

Playing miniture golf, riding bumper boats and go-carts with the 9-year-old I use to watch

Going to story time at the Botanical Gardens with friend Kelli and her son J

Watching mindless cable

Doing family photo shoots

Going to the movies

Visiting the chiropractor and massage therapist (I haven't had a headache in over a WEEK!!!!!!!!!)


Seeing friends

Hiking to a waterfall

Entertaining crazy amounts of kids

Celebrating my 25th, my mom's 50th, and my dad's 65th birthdays!

Getting pedicures (no, the Husband didn't come along)

Taking Rex on walks/runs/trips to the dog park

Going out to dinner

Laying in my parents' backyard

Enjoying our vacation!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006


Happy birthday to me
Happy birthday to me
Happy birthday to MEEEEEEEE
Happy birthday to me!

Monday, July 03, 2006


14: Float planes that flew over my parents house while I sat outside in the sun reading.

3: Stores we went to that were closed today. But it's only Jully 3rd!? I know, people need some time off.

5: The amount of times I just let Rex in AND out of the house in the last 12 minutes.

1 1/2: Hours I spent at the greatest used bookstore ever today.

3: The number of times I told the Husband it was my birth"week".