Monday, December 26, 2005


We had my grandfather's memorial service today at the gravesite. It was really nice, my dad spoke about his father and what a truly great man he was, and I cried underneath my sunglasses. I wanted to say something as well but the lump in my throat was too big. The gravemarker looks really nice and we left some roses. The Husband stood behind me during the service and when he reached out to touch my back, I almost exploded with gratitude. Just one touch-that was all I needed right then.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Merry Christmas

We're in California and finally at a hotel with WI-FI! I'll post more later-we're on the way to my grandfather's memorial service.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Did you hear that?

It was the noise of my heart breaking. I had to say goodbye to my puppy for two weeks. Yes, I cried.
He's in good hands with my in-laws but I still can't accept the fact that we just walked into an EMPTY silent house. How do people live without pets?

Thursday, December 15, 2005

One Day Left

We were making bookmarks today during the Pajama Read-In. . . .

Me: This is how you can loop the yarn through the hole at the top of the bookmark.

Student: So do that and call it a day?

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Good times and Schweaty balls

Yesterday some of my best good girl friends came over to make sugar cookies. We also had high hopes of playing games but alas-we just baked and talked the entire time. One of the friends, Kate, just moved back to the states from Korea, where she was in the military for two years. She entertained us with stories of Hummvees, guns, and other stuff that is somewhat unreal to me. The other friend, Amber, is in her last year (of three!) in her PT (Physical Therapy) program and was stoked that she just passed her super huge big test. Kate had never been to the house so I gave the mini (it's only 990 sq. feet!) tour of the casa and of course showed off the adorable pets too. We had a great time and it was the first time in a long time that I felt. . .well I'm not sure if you would 'just' call it happiness but there is something so incredibly aweseome about being with people that know you so very well, and still manage to stick around. Thanks girls. I love ya.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

It's all for the kids

A good friend of ours is an amazing artist that does an online comic about videogames, called Penny Arcade. Check out what they're doing to help kids during the holiday season. This is an excerpt from their website.

Child's Play
For the past three years, gamers and geeks around the world have raised nearly a million dollars in toys, games and cash for sick kids in Children's Hospitals across the globe through a grassroots charity called Child's Play.
Created by Penny Arcade, no "Administrative Fees" or other nonsense is collected; all gifts and donations go directly to the hospitals for distribution to sick kids.

This year Child's Play is expanding worldwide to help Children's Hospitals across the globe. Below is a list of Children's Hospitals that need your help. Selecting one will direct you to that particular hospitals Amazon wish list. Any items you purchase from that list will be delivered directly to the hospital you select. Also be sure to choose the shipping address to the hospital instead of your own!

Check out Child's Play!

They've already raised over $200,000! We'll be going to the charity dinner auction next Tuesday night.

Colds, Lice, and the Dentist

Do you want the bad news or the good news first? I always like to hear the bad news first because then later I can forget about it when I hear the good news.

Bad news
1. Two of my students have had lice in the past four days. Please note: I requested the school nurse come into my classroom and check EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THOSE MUNCHKINS to see if anyone else had it. Luckily, no one esle does, nor do I!
2. I actually SAW WITH MY VERY OWN FREAKING EYES ONE OF THE LICE BUGGIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I won't go into detail about how from 9:00am until. . . well still. . . my skin has been CRAWLING.
3. I have to go to the dentist tomorrow to get a temporary crown for the tooth in the back of my mouth that I broke WAY back in September.

Good news
1. I'm feeling better-the cold is vacating the body.
2. The husband and I both called in sick for Friday. I have to go to the dentist but we're hoping to do something fun later in the day.
3. Two of my best friends are coming over to the house on Saturday to make Christmas cookies!

Over all,
GROSS and good times.

Sorry about all the CAPS but I am very grossed out. And I mean gross like Jade's poopy lobster experience. Click here (scroll down).

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Such is the life of a World Of Warcraft widow

Me: Are you ready for dinner? I'm starving!

The Husband: Yeah, I just have to kill two more guys and then I'll be ready.


Jade tagged me to do this lovely meme. Since I'm sick, I'm just laying around anyway so here it goes!


...I Want To Do Before I Die:

1. Travel out of the country

2. Become a mom

3. Learn how to play the guitar

4. Reconnect with some "lost" friends

5. Talk to Billy Corgan

6. Try rock climbing

7. Read The Grapes of Wrath

...Things I cannot Do:

1. Whistle

2. Snap

3. Be late for work (who would take my class?)

4. Talk to my mom on the phone for less than 10 minutes at a time

5. Eat meat

6. Watch "The Office" without laughing out loud

7. Clean up my bill paying area in the kitchen-I've tried!

...Things That Attract Me To The Opposite Sex:

1. Blue eyes

2. Humor

3. Honesty

4. Someone who is handy (around the house, etc.)

5. Sensitivity (but not a wuss)

6. Confidence-but not cocky

7. Loves kids

...Things I say most often :

1. Freeze and give me five!

2. A certain student's name. . .

3. Rex!

4. I will not talk over your voice. When you stop talking, I will continue to teach.

5. Love you!

6. Where's the dog?

7. Just five more minutes

...Celebrity Crushes:

1. Joshua Jackson

2. Ryan Phillipe

3. Matthew Fox

4. I can't think of any others! Does that make me lame?





Seven things I'd always wanted to do in my life and I DID! (and when I did each one)

1. Get married outside in Alaska (July 26, 2003)

2. Become a teacher (got my first teaching job-third grade teacher-August 2004)

3. Adopt a dog (Rex-August 2005)

4. Buy a house (March 2005)

5. Do ballet again (I took a class in college)

6. Learn sign language (Again, took a class in college)

7. See my 100 year-old Great Grandma once more (2001, and the Husband got to meet her too!)

...People I Want to Do This:

Everyone and anyone that reads this blog!


Why am I blogging at 8:45 on a Tuesday moring? Yesterday it started-the sore throat, throbbing headache, crappy feeling. By the end of the school day I was telling the kids, "There's a good chance I won't be here tomorrow. Be nice to the guest teacher please." They of course were overly dramatic, "Oh I hope you're here tomorrow!" and "We'll miss you!!"

Then I heard a tiny whisper say, "I hope we get that one teacher that gives us candy."

Saturday, December 03, 2005

I've already expressed how excited I am to become an aunt in February but I hadn't really thought much about the Husband becoming an uncle. Today we spent the afternoon babysitting a 15 month-old little boy that is near and dear to our hearts. I loved seeing the Husband with the little guy-they snuggled, made each other laugh, and played all afternoon. It made me smile.

Friday, December 02, 2005

More snow

This is what we woke up to this morning. We turned on the tv and found out our school district was on a one-hour delay start so we went back to sleep! Unfortunately we weren't able to sleep the whole day away due to the fact teachers are to "Report as closest to the regular time as possible." But that did mean I got to work in my room for an hour and 1/2 before the little ones arrived.

Here's the wreath I picked up at Trader Joes on the way home tonight. This is the extent of my decorating thus far. And for tonight? I'm off to bed to read and relax. Nighty night all. And yes I realize it's not even 8:00pm. I'm lame that way!

Thursday, December 01, 2005

A day (afternoon-ish) in the life of me

11:00am I find out the school counselor is not at school today and will not be able to come in to teach my class the problem solving unit she's working with them on.

11:05am I decide I will do Read Aloud and then start teaching cursive for the first time in the school year.

11:30am In the middle of the cursive lesson a student yells out, "IT'S SNOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

11:31am All of a sudden seven kids "have a runny nose and need to get a tissue" that are conveniently located on a table near the window they want to watch the snow through.

11:40am I've lost them. Seriously. Lost them. I atttempt to continue cursive.

12:00 I take them to lunch, telling them they HAVE to wear a coat outside to enjoy the snow.

12:30pm I pick up the SOAKING WET kids outside and they squeek down the hallway to the classroom.

12:45pm We do a quick division poster activity.

1:15pm I show the kids how to make super ornate snowflakes using really cool patterns.

1:20pm I proceed to have to cut out a bunch of the (insert whiney voice here) "REALLY HARD" parts for almost all 27 kids. But really, they had fun. And we even talked about symmetry!

1:45pm Our Principal comes over the loudspeaker, "It is very snowy outside and I know everyone is excited. We will have last recess outside but the field is off-limits for safety reasons. If you are wearing shorts or you don't have a coat, you may not go outside."

1:47pm A student comes up to me with an extremely pained look on his face, "Why can't short people go out to recess?

1:48pm I laugh out loud.

1:50pm Recess

2:15pmThe students come inside and we sit in silence to "listen to the snow."

2:20pm They leave for Library.

2:21pm I do the happy snow dance and drink some hot chocolate while I get the room ready for Friday. Which I don't think will be a snow day.