Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Town: Bonkers Population: Me

I went to the doctor today for a follow-up appointment about my pneumonia. Although I'm feeling better, I still can't go to work. Doc said no work this week and only 1/2 days next week. Here are the problems with that situation: WIth the days I missed last week, plus this week, and the 1/2 days next week that's. . .10 1/2 days of sub plans! Do you KNOW how much work that is? When you teach EVERY subject, EVERY day?? Well, it's a ton of work! The other problem? Apparently my kids being little brats, fighting and being awful to each other. Another problem? I'm going insane at home. One can only watch so much (crappy) tv, read so many books, and surf the internet for so long until one goes. . . bonkers. I'm there.

Monday, May 28, 2007

GoOd NeWs FoR pEoPlE wHo LoVe GoOd NeWs

I'm feeling a bit better!
Things I think helped:
1. Good sleep last night.
2. Rex sleeping next to me.
3. The BIL and SIL came over today, BIL to help with the deck (they made great progress!) and SIL to keep my sick @$$ company.
4. Jamba Juice the Husband got me for my sore throat (6 days of coughing will do that to a person).
5. "I AM LOVED" pin the Husband put on my Jamba cup.
6. Emails I got from concerned friends. I am loved!
7. Cough syrup.
8. Knowing I haven't had a fever in 24+ hours.
9. Sub plans I wrote for tomorrow that don't actually suck that bad.
10. Knowing I'm going to the doctor tomorrow and (hopefully) she'll tell me I'm on the road to recovery and can return to work soon. Believe me, I didn't think I'd be saying I miss work this time of year!

Sunday, May 27, 2007



watched tv
watched movies

I want to
go outside
eat good food
take a walk
see the world
never watch tv again.

Please oh
please let
me get better

Friday, May 25, 2007

I've got pneumonia. Maybe when I've got more energy I can post about the Husband and I trying not to laugh out loud at the crazy lady in the room next to us in the Emergency Room this morning.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Still sick
Woke up with a fever of 103.2
2 Tylenol later, finally eating some oatmeal
and temperature is down to 100.3

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

I'm sick
Back to sleep

Monday, May 14, 2007

Seriously boring, sorry

I wish I could tell you really exciting reasons why I haven't posted lately. Like traveling to far off places. Not so much. Life's just flashing by though, no trips involved. Wait-I take that back-I'm taking my 27 kids on a field trip tomorrow (hopefully four parents are joining us to chaperone!) so I've got to get my butt to bed soon. But I'll leave you with a ridiculously cute picture of my absolute positively favorite nephew. I just can't stop myself from eating that kid's cheeks.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

One cute kid


Thursday, May 03, 2007

Is it Friday yet?

Holding up a coin from Mexico; "Look-it's an out-of-town quarter!"

"Can I take out the rubbish?"

"OWWWW! It burns! It burns! Like lava!"