Monday, March 27, 2006

I was feeling all down and out because

First I got a papercut under my fingernail on a file folder OUCH Yes I know in the big scheme of things it really doesn't matter but it hurts like a mother to type on the computer, mostly just when I have to press a or Shift.

Then my yoga teacher told us tonight that her mom has cancer and she is having health problems herself so she has to take some time off-we're getting a sub-a guy

Last I saw a bad car accident on the way home and I always feel upset when I see those and it made me think of a drunk driving car accident that happened this weekend I saw on the news that pissed me off so much because it is totally preventable

So here's what's good in life:

I signed up for the next session of yoga/pilates and the new class is an hour long instead of 45 minutes

We got an unexpected letter in the mail from a friend

I finished teaching the lowercase cursive alphabet today

Spring Break is in TWO WEEKS!!!

Saturday, March 25, 2006

What is wrong with people?

Case #1:
My dad is the most loving, compassionate, and nurturing guy ever. He loves kids so much he's been a teacher, counselor, and yes, father. So when he told me on the phone tonight he has something embarrassing to tell me, I was a bit curious.
He went to the grocery store a few days ago and he saw a toddler (about 1 1/2 or 2 years old) sitting on the floor of the store, crying. He didn't want to get up, obviously. The little boy's father walked over to him and KICKED him, hard. My dad saw him do this (as did other people, none of which did anything about it) and he walked over to the asshole, saying something to the effect of you don't have to kick him, can't we talk and work something out? The man mumbles something and proceeds to PUNCH MY FATHER IN HIS MOUTH! Luckily, my dad ducked a bit and only got a small cut on his lip from the guy's ring. My dad said he went into automatic self-defense mode and hit him back, under his jaw. I'm proud to say the guy dropped. So, the cops were called and my dad didn't press charges (although I think he should have) but he says all he cares about is the kid being safe and he's hoping Child Protective Services gets involved. Of course my dad isn't in any trouble because he was acting in self defense. It's so unbelievable to me to imagine my 64-year-old father in a fight but when I think about how he feels about children, I smile a little bit and know he did the right thing in a really crappy situation.

Case #2: This doesn't really have anything to do with people per say, but it does have to do with THE MAN, IA the government. We were really excited to file our taxes this year because last March we bought a house and EVERYONE told us we would get so much money back from the purchase/interest on the mortgage/etc. The not-so-cool-part we actually discovered after spending hours getting intimate with Turbo Tax? WE FREAKING OWE SO MUCH MONEY. Apparently because last year was the first full year we were both working, our incomes combined puts us at a high tax bracket. The most hilarious part? We're teachers! I digress. . .But not for long.

Case #3: I just made airline reservations for summer vacation in Alaska. A week ago when I looked online tickets from Seattle to Anchorage were $340 but I waited until my new Alaska Airlines Visa came in the mail before making the reservations today. Surprise, surprise, the prices went up, to over $400! I could no longer get double miles for money spent on a ticket from Alaska Airlines using my new Visa (because Alaska Airline was the place the tickets went over $400), but I did find tickets on Continental for $350 each. Happily, I booked the flight on my new visa and at least got 700 miles. Here comes the real clincher. We decided we are taking Rex with us to AK. My mom isn't exactly singing in the rain about it but she'll learn to love him. I hope. So last week I looked into taking him with us and found out it would cost $75/each way, which is a bit pricey but he's our baby so we'll pay $150 to spend the three weeks with him. I called Continental and just about screamed out loud when the friendly costumer service agent told me how much it would cost. . . $240 each way! Does the dog get out and play at doggie daycare down in the cargo hold? I don't think so! Does he get doggie champagne and a steak dinner?
The Husband? "Think about the money we're saving from not getting the tickets on Alaska Air, that's $100 so really it's like it will only cost $400 for the dog. Let's just consider it our anniversary present to each other."
My comment? "And my birthday present, and your birthday present, and Easter, and every holiday for awhile . . . "

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Suck it up

We bought a new vacuum because sweeping a 990 square foot hard-wood house makes me cry. Really, I've cried about it before.
Me: "I love this vacuum so much."
The Husband: "Yeah, it's nice."
Me: "No, I want to vacuum everything. I want to vacuum you."

Sunday, March 19, 2006

I'm the lucky one because. . .

I got to hold seven-week-old Leaf today.

It was sunny at 6:00 this evening.

I'm almost done with report cards. Well, the hard part is mostly finished.

My mom might come visit me in May!

I'm going to bed early tonight.

I have yoga tomorrow.

My puppy and cat are asleep next to me.

Laundry is almost done.

The black bean enchiladas I made for dinner turned out well.

I'm alive.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Let it Be

I feel pretty good tonight. That's saying a lot. I haven't been feeling well lately, physically, emotionally, or spiritually. I'm not saying my life is now perfect. I'm just saying I don't feel as uptight as usual. Maybe it's because I didn't teach today-we had the day off to work on report cards. Or because I was by myself for a long time today and I couldn't wait for the Husband to get home. Maybe it's because I woke up with a terrible headache and after about 6 hours it finally went away so I'm feeling thankful. Or maybe because I feel like I got so much accomplished today. Maybe it's because I didn't feel the need to go to bed at 8:30 tonight like every other day the past week. Or maybe it's because I'm being counscious about not letting every little thing get to me. Yeah, I think that's it.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Reasons to smile

I rocked my "Tree" in yoga today.
There was a tiny tiny tiny bug on one of my students' paper today and he begged me to "save it!" I put it out the window.
The daffodils under my classroom window are trumpting the good news of Spring.
It didn't rain today.
One of my students has improved his reading fluency by 20 words a minute in three past month!
I don't have to work on Friday.
There was a giant bumble bee in my garage today when I drove in but he was kind enough to leave and not bother me.
My husband backed into a parking sign yesterday morning at the restaurant we went to for brunch. IT WAS HILARIOUS.
My reading coach at school is supporting me so much as I struggle through teaching.
I'm almost caught up on grading.
I get to see my nephew Leaf on Sunday.
I had a great time at the Husband's brother's and sister-in-law's apartment this weekend.
A few weeks ago after I picked up the Husband at school we saw a little old lady (literally) on the side of the road with an obviously flat tire and immediately jumped out (I stopped the car first) and changed it for her.
The husband bought women's shoes yesterday. I laughed for about 47 minutes. Then I cried. In Payless.

Just kidding. Here they really are.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Life, or something like it

Let me first preface this post with this tidbit of information: The Husband went in to work this morning, which he NEVER does. I can count the number of times he's worked on a Saturday on one hand. More power to him-he's good at letting it go, metaphorically and literally. I'm not so much. He thinks it has to do with the fact he's a middle school teacher, not elementary like me and I have more work to do. I agree.
My goal was to get a ton of grading done today but what have I done instead you ask? I had terrible muscled spasms in my neck this week so I rewarded myself for surviving with a massage this morning! It was great, in a painful sort of way. I putzed around the house and looked online at tickets to Alaska for this summer. I did some grading. I ate lunch. I talked to my mom on the phone. Actually, I vented to my mom on the phone. I am so thankful we have the same job and she can empathize with me when I'm ridiculously stressed out. And I played with my dog in the backyard. So far, a pretty good day. Why am I so glum then? I think it's because it's overcast and I want it to be warm out because then it would mean it's spring and it would be closer to summer. Hopefully my blueness won't last long. I'm off to grade more papers and watch old episodes of Felicity. I know it was a dumb show but I liked it. I heart Netflix.

Monday, March 06, 2006

My life

I know it's been awile since I've posted but I've been trying to decide what to write about. I feel like all I ever write about is work and the kids. I know there's more to my life and I'm not JUST a teacher so I decided that's what I'm writing about tonight-my life.

We saw our five-week-old nephew Leaf this weekend! The great-grandparents flew in from California to meet him for the first time. I just love him so much it's silly. My sister-in-law and brother-in-law are doing so well adjusting to parenthood. I'm so impressed. I just think it's cool how they have made the baby fit into their lives instead of fiting their lives around him. Does that make sense? Like they stil go out for breakfast on the weekends and my sister-in-law walks with him in the Baby Bjorn all around downtown and to the grocery store. It's scary though in a way-because they make having a baby look so. . .great and not-terribly difficult! I know they are tired and probably stressed but my sister-in-law is so content with her new role as stay at home mom.

I had about a three week break during which I didn't go to my yoga/pilates class due to migraines/sinus infections/trips to Alaska but luckily class started back up again tonight! It was a wonderfuly relaxing class and I'm so glad to get back into it.