I banged my knee with a heavy metal door first thing after I picked up my class today? Banged it so hard one of my students had to go get me an ice pack?
I actually had to spell out the "F-word" today?
the fire alarm went off for the second time in two days?
the Husband had to protect a seventh-grade girl from a grown woman today that wanted to fight her?
after the fire alarm stopped going off and we could come back inside, my classroom door wouldn't unlock and I had to send the kids BACK outside for another recess because we couldn't get in?
it took 5 keys, three teachers, and a custodian to get into my room 10 minutes later?
I had 4 math assessments I needed the kids to do today but we only got through 2? Gee, I wonder why?
one of my students suddenly left school and no one told me so I searched frantically for her during math?
I forgot (for the third time) I was having breakfast with one of my kiddos this morning? It was her positive "prize" for responsible behavior. Shows how responsibe I am-I can't even remember to do it! She wrote it on the whiteboard at the end of the day so I wouldn't forget on Monday-"Breakfast with S" my whiteboard says now.
there were 7 behavior slips to fill out in the last 3 minutes of the day?
my teaching partner and I were in charge of extra afternoon recess for 200+ kids? In which they each child got a piece of Double Bubble gum and I freaked out that they would choke while they played tetherball and "Flier's Up"?
one of my kids will be on the television show Wife Swap on Monday?
Well, just thought I'd mention it.