Wednesday, March 21, 2007


I fell asleep at 7:00 p.m. on the couch with the Husband tonight. Reason? I'm flippin' tired! I had to keep 12 kids in for part of recess because they had to write to me about the behaviors they would change tomorrow we had a really stressful meeting after school that threw me into a tissy. I'm feeling better now that I called and vented to my mom (also a teacher so she understood my frustrations) and the Husband on our drive home (we carpool). Of course he understood too, since he's a teacher. I'm so lucky to have so many people in my life that understand how it feels to be in such a tough career!
I'm off to probably fall asleep again on the couch. Night!

Friday, March 16, 2007


Excuse me while I take the post title from E over at Antes que anochezca but there are no other words to describe why I haven't posted in weeks. I'm not bored but I think others would probably think all the things going on are. . . well, boring. Things are in full gear at school getting ready for our big state test in April. I can't believe it's already March 16th! How can that be? Where did February go? And January? How did the last few months fly by so fast?
I was beyond excited today about how much I accomplished in my classroom (teacher work day-no students!) and as I left in the afernoon to run a few errands, the sun shining in on me through my sunroof made me grin ear to ear. I just got off the phone with my best friend who lives in Arizona and as great as it was to catch up with her it made me miss her more. I wish she lived closer.
Speaking of far off places, the Husband and I have mucho airline miles and we're thinking of going somewhere. Let me restate that: Somewhere warm! Ideas? So far I'm thinking California-maybe San Diego or Santa Barbara or Monterey. Any ideas?