Saturday, February 25, 2006

It's been awhile. . .

I'm not sure where to start. I went to Alaska to visit my family (mom, dad, brother) and I surprised my mom. My bro picked me up at the airport and hid me at his house until the next morning. My brother is a cool guy-very hard to explain to someone who doesn't know him. He's complicated. Really into computers, Japanese anime, and his wonderful gf, Lyndsay. They put me up at their place for the night, which was super nice of them. The difficult part? Lynz is a server at a restuarant and doesn't get home from work most nights until 1 am or so. And then she's wired so they stay awake until about 5am EVERY DAY and sleep until 2pm. That Thursday, I had woken up at 6:00am (usual for work) and got into Anchorage around 11:30pm (12:30 WA time to me) and we stayed up until about 2am talking. I woke up the next day at 7:00am EXHUASTED.
The trip was good despite some really crappy parts, like Ry breaking a tooth in the middle of dinner out (at Lynz's restautant where I saw two friends from High school that I hadn't seen in 5 years) and my dad slipping on the ice and dropping my Mac on the ice. I also got super sick but I won't go into it on here. I thought about describing it but I just can't bring myself to it. It was embarassing enough to tell the Husband about it. On the trip my mom and I talked teacher-talk, scrapbooked, shopped, went into her classroom, drove into snowbanks, and bonded lots. It was great to see my dad too-we watched the Olympics and a few documentaries. It was a really great trip-I barely thought about work at all.
We took the laptop into the Apple store today and they fixed our machine! I was VERY appreciative. We also test drove the Hyndai (sp?) Sante Fe, an SUV that the Husband likes. Afterwards I asked him why he wanted a new car (we've only ever owned used cars and NEVER had a car payment) and he gave me some very valid reasons. But it was the final reason that got me the most-as he knew it would:
"I guess it's something I've been thinking about since Leaf (our nephew) was born-I want a car that is equiped for carseat and has all the airbags and safety percautions to keep kids safe."
Seriously people how could you NOT love this guy? He also looked the other way when I spent WAY TOO MUCH at Banana Republic Petites today. Can you believe it-a whole BR store IN MY SIZE!? Do you know what this means? It means I actually bought nice pants that aren't 7 inches too long!
It was a good day in our little area of the world.

The beach

These pictures are from a walk we took a few hours before I flew to Alaska back on Feb. 16. Even though I complain about the cold and the rain, I"m so glad we live where we do!

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Good news/Bad News

Which one do you want to hear first? Well since there was resounding silence, I think you probably want to hear the bad news first. That's how I always like to hear news.

Bad News: I have a sinus infection.
Good News: The migraine from HELL is gone.

Want more?
Bad News: I spent hours today waiting for the Urgent Care office to call in my prescription for antibiotics into the pharmacy.
Good News: I finally got them.

Bad News: I didn't get to hold baby Leaf yesterday at the parents in-laws' (I didn't want to get him sick!)
Good News: The Husband looked very sweet holding and cuddling with him.

The best news: I have the greatest husband in the world who has taken care of me for four days.

Friday, February 10, 2006


I got the mother of all migraines yesterday (starting at school-I was not a happy camper) so I went home early and slept for two hours. I've never gone to the doctor for these but now I'm thinking I need to. I could not FUNCTION. I was in such incredible pain it felt like it would never end. So I woke up after my two hour slumber and it was worse! I've tried taking Advil earlier in the day but I'm not sure how much is really safe in one dose. I couldn't eat because I was so nauseous but after the Husband crawled into our bed in our dark, dark room and helped me calm down, I fell back asleep around 7 and woke up this morning at 6. Anyone know how to make these happen less often/go away quicker? I know, I need to go to the doctor. Here's the problem: I don't have one! I will see if I can find somewhere to go next week because I can't handle many more days like yesterday.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Icy Bat

It was just what I needed after a LONG week at work. We spent the afternoon with new baby Leaf (he's 8 days old) and basically the whole time the Husband and I fought over who got to hold him. I won out mostly. I just adore this kid so incredibly much.