Sunday, August 27, 2006

I'm too tired to post

Check out to see why. Remember-I'm only a geek by association!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Rex, the super mutt.

Charlie, 6 months old

Here are the boys. It took FOREVER to get them both to sit and stay. As soon as one of the dogs would sit, the other one would run up and attack him. Don't they look happy? Notice Charlie is a year younger than Rex but 15 pounds heavier.

Rex, begging to come inside when we left the boys in the backyard while we went out to lunch.

Visit a new dog park with Rex and the in-laws. Check.
Spend 4 days entertaining an almost-13 year old, including going to the Space Needle, a Seattle WNBA Storm game, crazy amounts of shopping, and a couple of beaches. Check.
Work/clean/organize in each of our respective classrooms. Check.
Visit with SIL and almost seven-month-old nephew Leaf, who is CRAWLING! Check.
Meet one of the first grade teacher (Erin)'s six-month old puppy, Charlie and have a doggie play date with Rex. Check.
Stay up late. Check.
Sleep in. Check.
Get mentally ready for school starting. . .not quite there yet.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

5 years

I'll just say we love you and miss you Nikki.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

We started with two of these and a $10 three-panel door from the As-Is section at IKEA. All three items were painted black, new hardware was bought and the wonderful Husband put it all together.

Look at it now!

Step one of how to get on my bad side

Say, "Honey, that's the stuff you need" when a commercial comes on about dying your hair to cover up the gray.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Very near the best compliment I've ever received

"You look well rested."

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

A river called. . .

Denial. Serious denial. School isn't really starting soon, is it? The kids don't come until September 6th but of course we go back a few weeks before that. Growing up I never really thought about my teachers having actual lives but now that the Husband and I are teachers I'm wishing the summer would never end. I love spending my days working around the house, reading, going out to lunch with friends, organizing my new desk, playing in the yard with the pup, knitting, planning girls' night, taking random trips, seeing friends, and yes, sleeping in. Don't get me wrong-I love to teach children-they are our future as the song goes, right? I know this year will be better-really it has to be. That, or I'll be doing yoga every single day of my life. Peace be with you. And me.

Monday, August 07, 2006

My alphabet

A is for age:

B is for booze of choice:

C is for career:

D is for your dog's name:

E is for essential items you use/love everyday:
Aveeno lip balm

F is for favorite song(s) at the moment:
Promiscuous by Nelly Furtado (I know it's dumb but I can't help it-"It's got a good beat and I can dance to it.")

G is for favorite games:

H is for hometown:

I is for instruments you play:
Use to play the piano and violin

J is for jam or jelly you like:
MY homemade raspberry jam

K is for kids:
None, yet

L is for last kiss:
Who kissed me? The Husband in the garage!

M is for most admired trait:
Of mine? My sense of humor

N is for name of your crush:
Reese Witherspoon? :-)

O is for overnight hospital stays:

P is for phobias:

Q is for quotes you like:
To the world you may only be one person, but to one person you may be the world.
Life is everything and nothing all at once.

R is for biggest regret:
Don't want to talk about it

S is for sweets of your choice:
Ice cream and brownies

T is for time you wake up:
8ish in the summer, 6 during the school year

U is for underwear:
Body Gap

V is for vegetables you love:
Lots-green beans, zucchini, snap peas, carrots, and more!

W is for worst habit:
Being too anxious, biting my lip

X is for x-rays you've had:
Stomach for ulcer, neck for car accident

Y is for yummy food you make:
Lasagna, enchiladas, ice cream/cookie sandwiches

Z is for zodiac sign:

Now you know my ABCs... Won't you play along with me!
Do it on your blog and then leave me a comment that you did it.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Back to life, back to reality

We just got home from watching Big Brother at a friend's house (don't laugh-it's fun to watch with friends!) and on the drive home we were talking about getting back on somewhat of a schedule. As much as I hate to admit it, the school year is fastly approaching and we need to get some sort of structure back into our lives. Staying up late, sleeping in, and being lazy has got to stop. Tomorrow. No, the day after that. Okay, maybe not on the weekend but definitely. . . soon!