Tuesday, December 19, 2006

I wish I was joking

Today I said:

"Take it out of your mouth."
"We don't hit our classmates."
"Do you guys know you shouldn't use your barbeque inside to stay warm when the electricity is out?"
"Yes, Rudolph does have a shiny nose."
"Take it out of your mouth."
"Using the scissors in that way will cause you to loose them. For a long, long time."
"Did you just go outside the school building without permission? You need to fill out a problem-solving sheet. Again."
"Is it Winter Break yet?"
"Yes, you have to come to school tomorrow."
"Did you just throw your homework away in the garbage?"
"Do you understand why you shouldn't use the f-word in school?"
"Take it out of your mouth."
"Show me you are in control of your body."
"Chips is not an acceptable lunch."
"Thank you for the beautiful flowers."
"Take it out of your mouth."**
"You guys are great."

**One of my students is moving to India and brought cupcakes to school today as a treat. I passed them out in the cafeteria at lunch and for the three hours afterward, the little snowman decoration from the top of each cupcake (on a plastic stick) appeared in WAY too many kids' mouths.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Our Wonderful (insert sarcasm here) Weekend

Number of stiches in my gums above my two top front teeth: 2 or 3, I'm not sure, I was focusing on not crying like a little girl
Shots of novacaine to get procedure and above stiches: 5
Total days we spent at the in-laws who DID have power: 2
Early Christmas celebrations held since we're flying to Alaska on Thursday: 1
Pets in bed with us last night (at our COLD house): 2
Pairs of socks I wore to bed: 2
# of shirts I wore to bed: 2
Other accessories worn: Gloves and a hat
Temperature of the house when we woke up this morning: 40 degrees (In case you're wondering, yes, we could see our breath)
Total hours our house was without power: 83

But here's the good news: WE HAVE ELECTRICITY! I just took the most wonderful shower. And we have a lot to be thankful. Some of my collegues at work were told they might not have electricity until Saturday. That's 8 DAYS without power. So, like I said, lots to be thankful for.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Watch out below!

This is the 20-foot top of the tree that landed in our yard. The huge tree in the background is where it came from, 50 feet away and 80 to 100 feet in the air.

The Husband and I decided to cut it in half. Anyone need a 10-foot tall Christmas tree?

60+mph wind
power out for 17+hours and no end in sight
a 20-foot tree a few feet landed a few feet from our laundry room
2 1/2 hours of cleaning up debris in the backyard
hanging out in Barnes and Noble for warmth and internet access
Wish us luck!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Tired on a Thursday

The Husband: "One of my old students from last year tore her ACLU at soccer practice yesterday."

Me: "Her-"

The Husband: "Shut up."

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Reason #521 I love my husband

When I was out yesterday with the Sister-in-law at Urban Craft Uprising (very cool indie-craft gathering) guess what did the Husband did? Organized the pantry! Without any prompting! I love this guy.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Love is. . .

a wave goodbye from Leaf.