Saturday, February 23, 2008

From the mouths of babes

I told my third grade students this week that I'm pregnant. I played Hangman with them and the clue was, "Mrs. E is going to have a baby!" and they guessed it after about 6 letters!? One of them said, "RIGHT NOW?" and I assured him it wouldn't be until summertime. Other than a few questions, they have little to no interest in it at all. The fourth graders I had last year? A WHOLE different story. They came rushing up to me the next day (apparently word gets out quickly in an elementary school!) and wanted to know if "it was true?" that I was going to have a baby. They were pumped! Always honest, one student told me, "Not to be mean, but your stomach does look weird", commenting on my little bump. Ha!

Monday, February 18, 2008

Embarrassing but true

I had to unbutton my pants while we were out eating dinner tonight.

Sunday, February 17, 2008


I awoke to sun coming in through the curtains. I didn't get up until 9:00am. Well, unless you count the trips to the bathroom to pee. I'm 13 weeks pregnant today and actually feeling good. Maybe it's the sunshine I woke up to. Perhaps the fact that I don't have to go back to work until Wednesday? It could be that we visited with friends last night and I actually managed to stay up until almost 11pm! (Nevermind that I took a nap in the afternoon to "prepare" to stay up that late!) Could it be the fact that we're visiting friends tonight that we haven't seen in 4 months? Or maybe it's the appointment I'm looking forward to on Tuesday where we'll get to hear the baby's heartbeat again. No, I think I know what it is. The realization that my child will grow up with a very special cousin. They might even share a birthday! We just found out the Husband's brother and sister-in-law (the ones without kids yet!) are expecting their own little one a day after us! Life is grand.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Overheard in my classroom

"Why do you think Betsy Ross did that? Let's go ask the teacher. That was back in her time."

"If you get me a Valentine, I'll get you one. And not one of those dumb ones either. A nice one."

"Did Jesus die to save our sins?"
"No, he's just God's only begotten son."

"Can we please have a party tomorrow? I know we haven't been good but we'll be good if we have a party."

"I have to go get my visual and audio checked in the nurse's office."

"What does achieve mean? Please don't tell me to look it up in the dictionary."

"Can I get on the internets?"*

*I swear a child, not President Bush said this.

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Read the shirt

Why does it always have to be compared to fruit?

I taught a total of 3 days last week. You'd imagine I'd have a bunch more energy, I really put my all into those three days, but no, not really. Everyone I've talked to that has been pregnant always says, "It gets better in the second trimester" so I'm just holding onto that. The exhaustion is unreal.
I'm a pretty small person so I'm not sure if that's why I'm getting a belly quickly or what. I'm not fitting into some of my pants so the wonderful husband took me shopping yesterday. There should be a name for this place that I'm in-not fitting into my old clothes yet way too small for maternity clothes. It's annoying to say the least. The one good thing about fashion right now? Loose tops are in! I was able to find 2 at Target but that's all I found all day.
I'm 11 weeks today and the baby is the size of a small plum. Last week it was a strawberry. Seriously, what's with the food comparisons? There are these moments where the husband just breaks out into a huge grin, hugs me tight and tells me he is SO excited. I just want to burst with love for him (I know, barf) because I know not every partner is this excited and supportive. I know I'm lucky and I am so thankful every day.
Our nephew's second birthday party is today and we're going to tell the rest of the Husband's family. His parents and other brother/sis-in-law don't know! I'm really excited. Now if I can just manage to not toss my cookies in the middle of the happy birthday song.