Saturday, April 29, 2006

Overheard in Room 9

"Have you ever seen a grown up cry?"

"My right pinky and my left foot hurt."

"Do I really have to listen? I'm sure I can figure it out on my own."

Monday, April 24, 2006

Maybe I Am

Me, to my class doing during math: "I have a headache so please use a level 1 or 2 voice with your partner."

A student: "Are you getting sick? Are we going to have a substitute tomorrow?"

Me: "No, I think maybe I have allergies."

Antother student: "Maybe you're allergic to us!"

Sunday, April 23, 2006

What you can accomplish in 5 hours

This ivy is coming into our yard from our neighbor's house through our fence and I hate it! Also these ugly urns/flower pots have been screaming to be put out of their misery since we bought the house over a year ago.



Here is the raised vegetable bed the Husband built and the gravel we put in around it today. It was a lot of work but it will look great once there are veggies to eat!

There was lots and lots of pulling weeds too. No pictures of that though.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Girls Night

Some of the comments from the evening may be offensive when taken out of context. Enjoy!

"When did you touch a penis for the first time?"

"I was only a kissing slut."

"It's long and skinny but gets the job done."

"Isn't Organic and Vegan the same?"

"What ever happened to. . ."

"What is average anyway?"


"I went to a funeral for an alcoholic and then I went to a winery."

"Your dog just peed all over the floor."

"We've got to do this more often."

Thursday, April 20, 2006

It doesn't get much cuter than that!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Let's go shopping

What do you get for a friend that is graduating from Law School? Please help-I am stumped!

Monday, April 17, 2006

Happy Easter from Leaf!

Friday, April 14, 2006

We went to the

me, a boy, and a dog

mostly the dog ran AWAY from the waves

we relaxed

and ran giggling and leaping with joy.

Of Course

Remember the brand new (okay, it's a 2003) Jeep we bought two weeks ago? Well unfortunately we never tried out the passenger side heater before we bought it and (of course) it only blows cold, air-conditioned air. So we were told to bring it in on Thursday at 8:00am. Luckily the Husband was gracious enough to leave me half-asleep on the couch watching the last few weeks of Katie Curic's run on the Today show and took in the Jeep himself. By 3:45 that afternoon we hadn't heard anything from the service department so the Husband gave them a call. He was told they were JUST then looking into the problem. He requested that they call us before they closed that night just to let us know what was going on.

Think they called?

Of course note.

They did, however, call us around 9:00A.M. today and told us the problem wasn't covered in our extended warranty (of course!) and the cost for repairs and service would be around $1100. WE JUST BOUGHT THIS CAR! The Husband politely hung up and we headed over to pick up the car. When we got there, we talked to someone in the sales department and told them how unimpressed we were with the customer service in the parts department. He immediately apologized for their behavior and left us to go "deal with it." He came back and asked us if cutting the cost of the repairs in half would make up for the poor service before and make us happy. Our response? "Of course!"

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

We just got home from our vacation to the Oregon Coast-we had an amazing time! I'll post more pictures later, promise.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Ways to make yourself feel like you've accomplished a lot in one day:

1. Wake up before 7:00am.
2. Pay bills that have been sitting around for days.
3. Accompany the Husband to a haircut (he looks like a hottie!).
4. Buy two square laundry baskets at Target.
5. Pick up a meditation DVD and run into a former student at the library.
6. Dust every surface in the house.
7. Clean every mirror in the house.
8. Clean the inside of every window in the house. I told the Husband it was his job to clean all the outsides later-I don't deal with spiders! His response? "They look pretty good from here." Spoken like a true man.
9. Talk to both parents multiple times in two hours. My dad was at the airport in town for a few hours but I didn't get to see him-insert sad face here.
10. Clear off the bill-paying/mail-laying area in the kitchen.
11. Watch at least five episodes of Sex and the City Season 2. I'm hooked.
12. Read four chapters in current book.
13. Shop for baby gift online for one of the Husband's old high school friend.

And now I wait at home for the Husband to return with a movie. I'm leaving you with a picture of one of the hyacinth in our front yard. I love Spring!


I'm thinking people without cats sleep better. It's my first day of Spring Break and I'm awake at 6:58AM. What is wrong with me? I didn't sleep well at all last night and I'm not sure why. The Husband and I went out to the cute Irish pub in town with a bunch of my co-workers to celebrate our gym teacher's retirement. He has to have surgery so he's retiring before the year is over. And celebrate we did! I think I was the only person not inbibing but a good time was had by all. A little too good for some! The retiring gym teacher proposed a toast to me for "being a saint" (in reference to dealing with my "energetic" class) which I thought was so sweet. The Husband did shots for the first time since. . . college? He was feeling it pretty qyickly but said he just felt, "relaxed." I'm thinking everyone else closed the place down but I won't find out for another week when we go back to school.
My plans for Spring Break are to relax (how do you do that again asks the woman that's awake at 7am?) read books, go to the Oregon Coast with the Husband and Rex, see my nephew, clean the entire house, make the dog an airline reservation, clean out/weed the flower beds, maybe plant some more flowers, and other things I can't really think of right now.
I'm off to read my book on the couch with some tea. Adios people-I'm on vacation!

Monday, April 03, 2006

Vroom Vroom Vroom

Watch out-new car coming through!

Saturday, April 01, 2006


Dog Days

We're dog sitting for some friends this weekend and Rex is being his usual lovey-dovey self and trying to make out with border collie Maggie. She's pretty tolerant and even let him sleep in her bed but I think she's a little sad about her parents deserting her so we'll see how the rest of the weekend goes.