Monday, May 19, 2008

Long afternoon. . .

I was rear-ended today while I was out doing errands after work. I'm okay, the baby's okay (kicking away in there) and the car is fine. I was pretty shaken up, crying and shaking but I called my midwife and after telling her about it, she wasn't too worried. She said she was more than happy to see me (in the Birth Center at the hospital since the midwives office was already closed by that time) and they would keep me there for 4 hours for monitoring but then she said, "To be honest, we are totally full. Every room is occupied. You're welcome to come and I will see what I can do but you might be waiting for a few hours." She said she would still understand if I wanted to come in or I could go home and rest and if anything starting hurting/etc. then I could come in. She said since the accident was minor and I didn't have any pain, bleeding, or contractions, she thought I was okay. They have to recommend pregnant women come in though for observation. The Husband and I decided I should just go home and try resting and eating dinner. Of course now I feel better and the baby has been moving around. Now if I could just stop googling "rear end car accident pregnancy." Never a good idea!
I can't express the complete and total terror I felt as soon as I felt the impact of the other car. I've been rear-ended before in college but this time I was in no way worried about me, just the little one growing inside of me! I'm so glad everything seems to be perfectly fine.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

25 weeks

We had our latest check-up with the midwives today. The midwife we saw was the most soft-spoken woman I've ever encountered in my life. I had to lean forward to hear what she was saying. Want to guess my favorite part of the appointment? Okay, multiple choice people. Choose the best answer:

My favorite part of the appointment today was:

a) Hearing the baby's heartbeat on the doppler

b) Hearing the baby kicking on the doppler

c) Hearing the baby's hiccups on the doppler

d) Being asked yet again if we've made a decision regarding circumcision (*if* we're having a boy)

e) Hearing my blood pressure is "great"

f) Drinking the sugar drink for the glucose screening test

g) Being asked by the midwife, "How do you feel about your weight?"

Ha ha ha if you guessed g) then you are right! I think I responded with something like, "Ummmmm well I guess gaining 5 pounds this month instead of 7 like last month is good, right?"

PS The field trip went well despite the chaperone that didn't show up! Luckily the special ed teacher next door saved my butt and came with us!

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Fall down go boom

Good: My kids were really well behaved today
Bad: I twisted my ankle and fell as I walked out to the playground to pick up my class after first recess

Good: The kids all ran over and shouted, "Are you okay???" very sweetly
Bad: The fact that all my weight (including the extra 15+ pounds I've put on with the pregnancy so far) and my entire body landed on my right knee

Good: A friend gave me a ride home after work since the Husband has a track meet to coach and conferences after that back at school tonight
Bad: My ankle is throbbing and my knee is incredibly sore

Good: I'm sitting on the couch with ice on my ankle and my knee and I don't have to do anything else for the rest of the night except figure out what to eat for dinner
Bad: I've got a field trip on Monday-how am I going to walk around all day with 24 kids with a busted ankle and knee??

Good: One more day until the weekend!

Monday, May 05, 2008

24 Weeks. . .

and I look huge! Who can believe I have 4 months left?
Things are going well. My sciatica is getting better with lots of physical therapy and my prenatal water aerobics class.
I'm feeling the baby kick, punch, and move around a ton lately! It started out feeling like a spasm but now I can feel huge bumps, thumbs, and I can even feel the head at times!

I'm still feeling a bit tired but nothing like the first trimester. My sleeping is not too terrible but it is hard to get comfortable! I sleep with 3 pillows to get cozy. Rolling over is quite a feat and I know that will only get harder as I grow! The constant getting up to pee thing has suddenly returned as a nightly occurrence.

The latest cause of stress in our household? Trying to figure out what the heck we're going to do next year as far as work goes. . . might be some changes around here in the fall. We'll see what comes of it all.

PS 30 days of school left!

Saturday, May 03, 2008

I know, I know

I suck at this blogging thing. Seriously. At least I'm including my favorite pictures from our Boston trip to make up for it, right?

Paul Revere hung his lantern here.

The film "Bride Wars" was being filmed in Boston on our last day in town.

The Boston skyline

These little doors were everywhere in town.

It was windy and chilly while we were in town but we bundled up and walked a lot and that kept us warmish. My favorite part of the trip was when the Husband felt the baby kick for the first time one night after a long day of walking. We visited the oldest pub in America, ate the most delicious Whoopie pies from a great Italian bakery in the North End, and walked the ENTIRE Freedom trail. By the end I was about to die if I didn't make it to a bathroom soon and of course there were no buildings open at that time around the Bunker Hill monument. We finally begged the park ranger at the visitor's center to let us in after he had already locked up. I just held my pregnant belly and he let me right in. I guess you just have to know when to take advantage of the situation, right? We shopped a little, rode the T (subway) to Harvard, visited Harmonix (where the video game RockBand is made) for a tour, and ate at lots of great restaurants.
Boston is a great city to explore and we thought it was really easy to get around town. We basically walked or rode the T everywhere and our hotel was in a great location. It was a great trip!